Sunday, March 4, 2007

Rumours, Criticism & Us

Seriously, I don't know why do people tend to make assumptions and speculations. If they saw two guys hugging intimately, they'll assumed that those two guys are gay. Never they thought of them as best of friend. If they saw a young girl and an elder man walk together, they'll assumed that the young girl is a mistress, a shameless trollop or the second wife while the truth is the girl and the elder man are father and daughter. Truth is, some of us are very quick to judge other people by one look. Then come the speculations and rumours and other stories that spreads quicker than you can say 'kabutz'. Especially if it's about artists and celebrities.

The best example is Ina & Mawi. People are still talking about them. I've heard and read so many theories about the reason of their break-off. I find it funny to have people a.k.a fans fighting with each other because of this (Ina or Mawi didn't even know them, yet they're fighting like crazy and wasting too much prepaid credit. How 'smart' is that? LOL). Some admits that they know Ina or Mawi and starts blaming him/her for the break up. They even 'create' their own version of it, which is pathetic. Some of it sounds so real you nearly buy it. However, I still believe that only Ina & Mawi have the answer. Even after their appearence on TV clearing the issue (which I think unnecessary and totally for the benefit of TV station) I know they're not telling the whole truth. Then again, it's their right, their personal life. If they opt for not sharing, have some respect and leave them alone. Not that I'm a fan of either one, I just think they're entitled to keep their private life protected.

Then the issue of Sharifah Amani @ Nani, saying 'I sound stupid when I speak in Malay'. She's accused of being 'lupa daratan' and 'berlagak'. To me, she's not 'berlagak' or 'lupa daratan', she's just comfortable speaking in english. What's the big deal, rite? But I was wrong. It became a big issue nationwide. Nani kena 'caras' habis-habisan. If that's not enough, they have to drag her parents in this after running out of ideas nak kena kan Nani. Thank God they're one professional and well educated family, they could handle this issue with style. Okay, she maybe wrong for saying that, but this is not the end of our Malay culture! *Doh*. Poor girl, some people are just too shallow and been living in a box. She's smart, very talented and I'm proud of her for speaking her mind. Anyways, case closed but her remarks still well remembered and used as a joke. Well, at least she made a history. Kudos to Nani!

Latest issue - Linda Onn and her dress. Again, people are pointing their fingers at Linda's direction, accusing her of being 'diva-ish' for refusing to wear local designer's dress and many more rumours came up after that. From what I read, she'll be wearing a dress by this Indon designer (named Jovian something..) but was instructed to wear another dress (by local designer) by JPM because Jovian is not local. It turns out that the dress by local designer is too sexy for Linda (according to paper reports). As a result, she backed out from the event. Honestly, I don't know if this is the truth. There's one comment I read stating Linda as 'unprofessional and a disgrace to our country', accompanied by vulgar words that is not appropriate for publishing. In my opinion, this is all about 'prinsip'. Linda has proved that she's one lady with a strong principal. Still, we don't know what really happened that makes Linda backed out. I agree that she should make a statement, explaining the truth. Still, it's her choice. No one can force her to say anything if she didn't want to. It's her right anyway.

These things makes me wonder sometimes. What would I do If I were in their shoes, being gossiped and speculated all the time? Will I accept? Will I just sit on a corner and weep till my eyes felt like boiled lychee? Will I fight? It's hard for me to say. When I was a teenager, I am known for my temper. Who ever talked bad about me behind my back, they'll pay the cost 'real good'. I fought back really hard. Oh no, I'm not a crook in school! I'm just the type of girl who has no fear to anyone. I'll fight back if I think I was right. But now, I became more and more patient (thank GOD). I've soften as I grew more matured. I like the new 'old' me. Yeah, I missed my younger, teenage days of course. Who doesn't? Well, we just have to move on and deal with our facts of life.

Ooops..a bit side tracked. Sorry. I hope you guys get what I mean. Somebody saw something, tell someone, pass it around and speculate about it. This will goes on and on and on on. Some stories have been exaggerated to make it more exciting. Ironically, sometimes we know that the whole stories have been exaggerated, but stupidly, we too passed it on. What ever. I have accepted the fact that no matter how we try to stop this syndrome, we can never succeed. Only miracle could make it stop.

Am I right or am I right?