I've lost my microscopic screw somewhere, so please forgive me if it's a mess...
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Rambling di Bulan Ramadhan part 2
It's the 14th day of fasting and the Raya mood slowly blooms inside of me. As I grew older, the excitement is not like before. Kalau dulu boleh main sparkle, pop-pop and all sorts of bunga api or mercun. Sekarang tidak lagi. Ever since everybody has their own family, kemeriahan masa raya memang terasa kurang.
Anyways, I'll talk about that later. After this me n Idayu will attack the Bazaar Ramadhan at Sembulan. I'm gonna buy loads of food,martabak jawa, limpa, lai chi kang, ABC, Ayam Percik, Ikan Bakar...etc...etc...oops, don't get me wrong, aku bukan membazir ye. Sekali sekala belanja besar apa salahnya kan?
Hmmm...tinggal 10 minit lagi aku nak pulang. Nanti aku post cerita aku membeli belah di Bazaar Ramadhan ek. Sementara tu aku nak berkemas dulu. Kang tinggal dompet kang ada yang nangis kempunan...huhuhu...
Till next post, TataTitiTutu...
P/s Banyak jemputan buka puasa, tapi belum sempat update. Kang aku senang aku updatelah ye.
P/p/s Tadi cousin aku tlefon mengadu pasal dia & mak dia gaduh. Nangis-nangis dia kol aku. Ini pun nanti aku crita okay...
P/p/p/s This Friday aku & office mate aku akan buka puasa kat Ocean's Seafood Village...nyum nyum nyum...tak sao rasanya...
P/p/p/p/s (heh, beghapa banyak Pppppppppsss daaaa) This Saturday we'll be hosting Buka Puasa kat rumah. Kami panggil sedara terdekat aje. Nanti aku post storynya ngan gambar sekali ye
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I'm Craving for...
It's 1430hrs and my stomach is rambling as loud as an old tractor. My bad, I only had a glass of hot milo and 3 pieces of Oreo biscuit for sahur. And I'm sleepy as hell! It's also damn cold in my office rite now I have to put my shawl over my head so I'm technically wearing a tudung (hehehe).
Do you have any cravings during ramadhan? I'm sure you do. Well, I do for sure. Sometimes my ramadhan cravings mengalahkan orang mengandung. That's why I refrain myself from going to bazaar ramadhan untuk mengelakkan pembaziran yang melampau sementara gaji belum masuk. But I guess it's not wrong if I wanna let you guys know what I'm craving for kan? So, here goes:-

Till next post, TataTitiTutu...
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Rambling di Bulan Ramadhan
It's the 6th day of puasa. Alhamdulillah setakat ni aku belum putus puasa lagi. I hope I could get a full puasa this year (like the years before). The first two days are a bit tough but now I'm getting used to it.
It was pouring rain this morning! And I have NO umbrella! Sudahnya, I called Idayu to pick me up. Pheww...nasib baik! Thanks Yuyu!
This is supposed to be posted last Sunday:-
**I'm supposed to have 3 days of holiday relaxing and lazing myself at home without any interruption whatsoever. But guess what happenned? My aunt dumped her kids at home for me n my mom to look after. To tell you the truth, I dont really mind for the sake of my aunt. What pisses me off is the precious husband of hers seems like taking full advantage of us. Sudahlah cuci kain pakai our washing machine (which involves cost of water and electricity), now he went up one level - asking my mom to sidai all their kain baju! What the F**K? I told my mom to stop being nice and dont hang those clothes. Melampau betul!
Sudahlah, cakap pasal dia bikin blood temperature aku naik. Menyampah! Buat tambah dosa ja bulan puasa ni. **
Okay, continue with today's story. Hmmm...about my office...actually banyak benda yang jadi tapi I dont know how to put it in words...Okay let's just summarize it. Di tempat baru ni, skop kerja aku besar. Have to do tour itineraries, develop a new product, supervise T2's staff, quotations, sales call, contract rates, costing, etc...etc...belum lagi ambik counter staff baru for T2, T1, Sdk& Twu airport. Kalau those counter staff sudah start, I have to prepare their duty roster, remittance, reports pelbagai, kena selalu buat spot-check...memacam lagilah. Sekarang ni kepala aku tengah bengang buat costing. The thing is, we dont have our in-house guide so we have to hire freelancer. Tau sajalah kalau freelancer ni memang mahal, so harga tour pun erm...kurang murah ler...
Pagi tadi I went for a sales call with Jackie and terus cari material untuk uniform somewhere in town. There are a few material yang menarik, so we took pictures of it and tunjuk kat my boss later. Let her decide which is better. And Jackie tripped over the wires yang berselirat on the floor this morning! I tried not to laugh and have a little sympathy, but I'm just a weak, feeble female. I can't help it. Well, everybody laughs so I'm not the only one who has a wicked mind *grin*
Kejap lagi we will be going to Cinta Bridal with Idayu. Another sales call *rolling my eyes*. The thing is, it's almost 1530hrs (our working hours during puasa is 0830 to 1530). Hopefully it won't be a loooong discussion whatsoever cause I WANNA GO HOME AND REST!
Gotta go now, till next post, TataTitiTutu...
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tomorrow is the beginning of fasting. I wanna take this opportunity to wish a happy ramadhan to myself and my fellow muslims. Semoga kita dapat menjalani ibadah puasa dengan baik dan jujur, Insya-Allah (wow, my bahasa...kelas gitu!).
Anyways, as I've said in my previous post, I'm gonna upload a few pictures, so here goes...
This cute pump cost me RM22.90
I was about to leave Vess when I saw this shoe on sale. Maybe it's not that 'cantik' or looks like makcik-makcik punya shoe but when I tried it on, it's so comfy so I did not waste any time and grab it, Furthermore, it's only RM15.00. Good bargain or what? Oh, here's the pic of the shoe:-
This picture was taken last Friday at Signal Hill. Actually I'm on assignment, ambik gambat KK City from the hill view la konon. Memandangkan pemandangannya sungguh cantik, I took my picture sekali:-
Picture of Alan and Ajib taken last week:-
This picture was taken on last Friday when I went to my company's workshop, inside of our newly refurbished 20 seaters coach:-
FYI, my new office ni sejuk gilerrrr....I've put on my thickest wool sweater but the coldness still gets to me. Brrrrrr.....
That's all for now. Kalau senang nanti I'll post something.
P/S: I miss my TEA (not teh ok, TEA as in my jejaka idaman)
P/P/S: I love lagu Misha Omar and Andy Flop Poppy, Sembunyi. Check out the lyric, sooo the story of my life wor...
Percikan sinar matamu singgah di hati
Bergetar bibirku bisu sukar mengerti
Pantasnya diri tertawan
Tak sempat berkelip aku kau punya
Biar pun mengutus ilham menuju jiwa
Teguhmu suatu raga melamar rasa
Biar pun kita mencuba
Sembunyi… namunkan terlihat yang jelas di wajah
Kita memang sarat merasakan cinta
Bagaikan bintang di malam cerah beri cahaya
Tak terhalang menyinari segala
Bertentang mata sebentar dihanyut angan
Tersentap lalu ku sedar diperhatikan
Sedangkan diri terasa kemana
Renungan aku nak alih
Bertentang mata sebentar dihanyut angan
Tersentap aku tersedar diperhatikan
Sedangkan diri terasa kemana
Renungan aku nak alih
Sembunyi… namunkan terlihat yang jelas di wajah
Kita sememangnya sarat merasakan cinta
Bagaikan bintang di malam cerah beri cahaya
Tak terhalang menyinari segala
Walau kita
Namun terlihat segalanya yang tersimpan di hati
Bintang-bintang di malam cerah beri cahaya
Tak menghalang menyinari segala
Walau kita
Namun terlihat segalanya yang tersimpan di hati
Until next post, TataTitiTutu...
Saturday, September 8, 2007
The Story of Busy-Ness
Actually aku baru balik dari kenduri from Kak Jan's house. Finally I find a little time to update my blog. I've been very very very very very very busy with my job. Meeting for 3 days straight, proposals, tour itineraries, website pictures..etc...etc...sibuk sungguh dunia baruku ini. By next week pula I will be stationed at Terminal 2 to supervise si Firdaus. Maybe back and forth la between T2 and head office. Banyak benda aku kena settle coz Monday is my d/line kena submit semua.
Oh, lupa lak bagi tau yang aku sekarang kat my Aunt's house. sambil tengok anugerah era aku update my blog.
I'll be posting pictures in my next blog. Kiranya sekarang ni I'm having a mental block. I have no idea what to write right now.
Till next post, TataTitiTutu...