I've predicted the result...
I was right.
Shawal tersingkir last nite. And Mr Pitty Pants with hair extension still in the running of becoming the next AF champ (macam pernah ku dengar phrasing ini..tapi di mana ya?). SHAME ON YOU VOTERS! Tell me one good reason why that primate deserves to be in the final and DON'T say that he's talented coz he's NOT! WHY? Oh, because he's yatim piatu, so we have to kesian him la? So we are obliged to vote for him because of that? Bleurgh..and bleurgh..and bleurgh..NO WAY. He's already 27 yrs old apa, sihat walafiat tubuh badan (well, maybe not that sihat in the hair department) but still rooting for sympathy vote? Okay, maybe it's not his fault that he's got the most vote but as I said before our audience still di takuk lama. Still BUTA, TULI and BANGANG. Kena cakap BUTA SENI marah, tapi you guys have proved that you are BUTA SENI in this case. So much for intelligence.
Anyway, congrats to Ebi, Heliza, Mila and Candy kerana dapat masuk final. Yang satu lagi tu, I won't wish nor say anything.

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