Saturday, May 12, 2007


I'm woking in morning shift today. I feel soooo sleepy. I slept early last nite, but still sleepy. I All I can think about is my precious very own sanctuary (my room lah!). Alangkah baik if ada spare room di office ni. For sure I'll be dozing off in no time, faster than you can say 'doze'. I WANNA GO HOME AND SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! But I know I can't. Merasa la tersengguk-sengguk sampai time pulang karang. S**T!

Tomorrow nite, malam penentuan calon finalist Akademi Fantasia. Aku macam boleh predict siapa yang keluar and siapa yang pi final. It;s obvious. Let's see my prediction:-

Candy (Ranking not so good tapi undian mesti side dia punyalah)
Mila (Ni gerenti masuk, sebab pandai mengada-ngada)
Ebi (No doubt 100% masuk final. Always top 3 and strong voters ma...)
Heliza (After last week's performance? Of course la pi final)
Ape Primate (No need to say la. Mr Pitty Pants with receeding hair. Despite kebencian aku yang tahap gaban towards him, reality kicks memang tidak boleh dinafikan. Voters2 yang bodo, tuli, bangang akan tetap undi primate ni masuk final)

Out (hopefully salah la jangkaan aku)
Shawal (Sad to say but he's always nearly eliminated after undian di tutup. Dengan voters yang otak udang lagi, he'll be the next victim)

Just have to wait and see samada prediction aku betul atau salah. Harap Shawal stay sampai final.....



constant drama said...

"Mila (Ni gerenti masuk, sebab pandai mengada-ngada)".

HAHAHAHAHAH!! Lawak, lawak.

Mila yg pakai tuding tu kan? Gawd...i wanna smack her until she bleeds.

Poyoh punyer pompuan.

MsFigure said...

Well, FYI Mila x pakai tudung la. Yang pakai tudung tu Heliza. Aku rela mengundi dorang daripada undi si Ass-Wipe tu. Hish! Menyampah!

Anyway, thanks for your comment.