I'll be on duty from 0900hrs to 1500hrs on Saturday. Then balik kampung coz my bro wants to celebrate his 12th birthday di kampung. I betcha mesti havoc on that day...and yang paling busy of all of course la, who else but me! Then I have to rush back to KK on Sunday morning to attend Aunty Salmah's daughter punya wedding. Time belum confirm lagi but I kena jugak rush balik sebab my other bro wanna use my car for his futsal match.
I'm actually quite bengang with my brothers punya perangai. They always took things for granted. I can say that they're not very responsible in anything they do. Thay're rather selfish and arrogant at the same time. Quite typical for a Pakistani blood like us. I really hate the fact that they don't really respect my properties as I respect theirs. They'll use my things as they like without asking for permission. Like last nite, my bro simply jalan using my car without telling anyone where he went to. I'm so fucking pissed! I've just filled up the tank but when I check the car in the morning, it's EMPTY! Can you blame me for being all bitchy at him after what he's done? Merasalah makian super saiya peringkat ke lapan belas.
I don't mind if they wanna use the car. Just be rational and responsible and timbang rasa la sikit. Kereta tu pakai petrol bukan pakai solar power. Lain la kalau kakak kau ni Puan Sri or Mak Datin ada harta berbillion RM..for sure aku x kisah. So, from now on, my bro kena banned from driving my car until he learn the importance of respect. Nak pegi mana-mana, naik bas atau ambik teksi atau suruh kawan ambik. No way I'm gonna let him drive again. That's his punishment for not respecting me and my property.
Am I being too much? I don't think so. I must give him the taste of his own medicine. Face the consequences of his deed.
But whatever it is, I luv you bro! Just remember: Blood is Thicker Than Water. No matter how bad or good you are, you are my bro forever.
Till next post, TataTitiTutu!
I've lost my microscopic screw somewhere, so please forgive me if it's a mess...
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I knew I'll be broke before mid December judging from my spending. Plus, I have to replace TWO freakin' tyres that cost me RM140 each. Not to mention daily expenses, miscellaneous expenses, bills, gas, petrol, etc...etc...
This morning itself I spent about 17 bucks on my way to the office. My bus fare is RM2, I bought Ham Chim Piang, Char Koay and Iced nescafe for RM7.30, then my taxi fare to office is RM7. We chipped in for Eddie & Linda's farewelllunch party (cost me RM7 -Rafflesia Chicken Hut.
Pulang nanti pun nak beli lauk lagi. Esok kena isi minyak lagi. *sigh~*
Duit duit...di mana kau duit?
Till Next Post, TataTitiTutu...
This morning itself I spent about 17 bucks on my way to the office. My bus fare is RM2, I bought Ham Chim Piang, Char Koay and Iced nescafe for RM7.30, then my taxi fare to office is RM7. We chipped in for Eddie & Linda's farewell
Pulang nanti pun nak beli lauk lagi. Esok kena isi minyak lagi. *sigh~*
Duit duit...di mana kau duit?
Till Next Post, TataTitiTutu...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Teeny Weeny Mishap
I was on my way to work this morning when it happened. I've never had any problem whatsoever everytime I passed SJ area. I'm also sure that my driving skills are 11 out of 10 (I've got full marks during my driving test) BUT still it happened to me.
There's one selekoh before I turn to the left, heading to my office. So as usual I took my sweet time and turn, suddenly my car terlanggar the curb! There's a loud sound like 'gedebuk' or something but I just jalan...buat selamba padahal my heart dah racing setengah mati! Shit, orang kiri kanan pun tengok semacam tapi my muka still maintain selamba. Dah parking I went and check the wheels...alhamdulillah sport rim aku x bengkok cuma tyre je koyak sikit. Nasib baik dah gaji kalau x harussss aku pengsan!
By the way I'm not feeling so good today. Kepala aku berat semacam and perut aku buat hal pulak. Kang nak pegi doctor la. Maybe aku nak amik MC. Tak larat!
Oh, by the way, my mom's back! Yippie! Gumbiranya aku!
Till next post, TataTitiTutu...
There's one selekoh before I turn to the left, heading to my office. So as usual I took my sweet time and turn, suddenly my car terlanggar the curb! There's a loud sound like 'gedebuk' or something but I just jalan...buat selamba padahal my heart dah racing setengah mati! Shit, orang kiri kanan pun tengok semacam tapi my muka still maintain selamba. Dah parking I went and check the wheels...alhamdulillah sport rim aku x bengkok cuma tyre je koyak sikit. Nasib baik dah gaji kalau x harussss aku pengsan!
By the way I'm not feeling so good today. Kepala aku berat semacam and perut aku buat hal pulak. Kang nak pegi doctor la. Maybe aku nak amik MC. Tak larat!
Oh, by the way, my mom's back! Yippie! Gumbiranya aku!
Till next post, TataTitiTutu...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Darn you!
Just came back from Secret Recipe...tapau lunch. I'm so pissed at myself for being a fool! I can't believe I let myself spent RM21.00 on a crappy Chicken Cornish and so-so taste lasagna! The only thing I did not regret buying is the heavenly chocolate cheesecake (RM6.30) yang sedang ku makan ini...yum! Darn you, Secret Recipe! RM21.00...I could stuff my mini fridge with almost a week worth of groceries. Heck, I know what's done is done. Believe me, I will NEVER buy that stupid food again!
Hari ni gaji clear. Petang karang aku nak gi Giant lah. Barang kat umah banyak yang dah abis.
Darn it! Kain pun lom cuci! WARGHHHH!!!!!
Ada ke yang simpati? :((((((
Till next post, TataTitiTutu...
Hari ni gaji clear. Petang karang aku nak gi Giant lah. Barang kat umah banyak yang dah abis.
Darn it! Kain pun lom cuci! WARGHHHH!!!!!
Ada ke yang simpati? :((((((
Till next post, TataTitiTutu...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Dah 3 hari aku jadi macam orang eskimo di office ni. Pakai sweater sampai 3 lapis. I hate centralized air cond! Kena lagi that thing ngam2 atas kepala aku. Kalau cuaca biasa ok lah, aku masih tahan lagi. Ini sudahlah aircond full blast, musim hujan pula tu. Mana tahan beb! lama2 otak aku pun beku.
Hari ni kami ada party sikit di office. Birthday Bash for Oct, Nov & Dec babies. Klu ada masa kang aku upload gambo n storynyer ye..
Suasana kat office ari ni ceria sikit sebab makhluk yang tidak digemari itu tengah cuti. Oleh itu semuanya ceria kat office except for one or two person yang entah kenapa masih lagi gloomy. Period agaknya (hiks..jangan marah).
Gotta go. Sejuk sangat aku x tahan! Brrrrrrrrrr......
Till next post, TataTitiTutu
Dah 3 hari aku jadi macam orang eskimo di office ni. Pakai sweater sampai 3 lapis. I hate centralized air cond! Kena lagi that thing ngam2 atas kepala aku. Kalau cuaca biasa ok lah, aku masih tahan lagi. Ini sudahlah aircond full blast, musim hujan pula tu. Mana tahan beb! lama2 otak aku pun beku.
Hari ni kami ada party sikit di office. Birthday Bash for Oct, Nov & Dec babies. Klu ada masa kang aku upload gambo n storynyer ye..
Suasana kat office ari ni ceria sikit sebab makhluk yang tidak digemari itu tengah cuti. Oleh itu semuanya ceria kat office except for one or two person yang entah kenapa masih lagi gloomy. Period agaknya (hiks..jangan marah).
Gotta go. Sejuk sangat aku x tahan! Brrrrrrrrrr......
Till next post, TataTitiTutu
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Golf Patron Gala Dinner
Date : Saturday, 17 Nov 07
Venue : Magellan Ballroom
I went to the dinner with my colleagues. Dressing glamorously and a bit daring, to be frank. So kisahnya dari tengah hari aku tak makan coz I'm expecting a 'gala' kind of food to be served. Well, when you're paying RM300 a seat you'll naturally assumed that the food's gonna be great. Truth is, we're down with dissapointment. Here's my review on the ~sigh~ foods (sorry no photos of the food):-
Starter : 3 multi flavored mini bread and butter.
(No complains. Nama pun starter kan...)
Appetizer : 01. Smoked Salmon, Avocado and Mango Sauce
(Raw fish? Eeeewwww...tolonglah. Yang aku makan cuma Avocado aje)
02. Quail's Flavored Soup and Lobster Raviolli
(We thought it's gonna be a HUGE serving...maklumlah pembukaan aje dah salmon kan. But no, no huge serving. It's just a bowl of crappy soup with one teeny tiny raviolli filled with 'barely there' lobster's flesh. I guess they're only using one lobster to do the raviolli filling *sigh~*)
03. Lemon/Lime Sorbet
(Again, another dissapointment. The sorbet tasted sickeningly sour to the max! No kidding! I mean, I know it has lime and lemon but takkan takde bubuh sikit gula pun?)
Main course: Rack of Grilled Lamb & Mint Sauce with Mashed Potato and Wonton Mushroom Stuffing
(Major rubbish. HUGE dissapointment. The so called wonton mushroom stuffing is nothing but a dried up mushroom wrapped in a plain wantan skin. Our lambs are raw - totally unacceptable. The only good and edible thing is the mashed potato-itu pun ala-ala je. Most of the guests, including us skipped main course except for Twiggy sebab dia memang prefer rare meat)
Dessert : Cheese cake & chocolate with coffee or tea
(No complaints coz I'm a sucker for cheese cake!)
How could they serve us that kind of food with TYT and Chief Minister as honorable guest? What a shame! Kebanyakan guest complaint pasal makanan x sedap especially the main course. Sampai sekarang aku masih sakit hati and geram tau! Bayar mahal tapi makanan macam sampah! (ok...ok...company yang bayar but still, it's not cheap)
Anyway, enuff about the food. Let's see us in action during our camwhoring session:-
We're happy...even if the food is crappy...
Jac in action


Yeay! Dapat gambo ngan Jac! Ko ado?
AHSB Troupe
Firdaus & me. Ni muka ngantuk ni...0230hrs after clubbing. Supper at Salim Restaurant, Jalan Lintas
After the dinner, kami gi clubbing at The Jugs Pacific. We danced and danced like no one's business. Rasanya kami yang paling riuh malam tu. All the setans terlepas already lor...but still aku masih waras. Yes, I'm a smoker and loves clubbing, but that doesn't mean I drink. Dalam jam 0215 gitu, Twiggy & Sylvia dah intoxicated + kelaparan so we all decided to go to Salim and grab a bite. We car pooled in Damien's minivan.
We left Salim at 330am. Aku sampai rumah almost 4am. It's pouring rain but aku sempat lagi cuci kain sebab we've planned to go to kampung on Sunday. Just imagine la betapa mengantuknya aku tapi terpaksa juga gagahkan diri driving for 30 minute to Papar, then another 30 minutes to kampung. Nasib baik selamat pergi and balik...alhamdulillah!
Rasanya sampai sini je untuk kali ni. Ada masa aku post entry lagi ye. Till next post, TataTitiTutu.
Venue : Magellan Ballroom
I went to the dinner with my colleagues. Dressing glamorously and a bit daring, to be frank. So kisahnya dari tengah hari aku tak makan coz I'm expecting a 'gala' kind of food to be served. Well, when you're paying RM300 a seat you'll naturally assumed that the food's gonna be great. Truth is, we're down with dissapointment. Here's my review on the ~sigh~ foods (sorry no photos of the food):-
Starter : 3 multi flavored mini bread and butter.
(No complains. Nama pun starter kan...)
Appetizer : 01. Smoked Salmon, Avocado and Mango Sauce
(Raw fish? Eeeewwww...tolonglah. Yang aku makan cuma Avocado aje)
02. Quail's Flavored Soup and Lobster Raviolli
(We thought it's gonna be a HUGE serving...maklumlah pembukaan aje dah salmon kan. But no, no huge serving. It's just a bowl of crappy soup with one teeny tiny raviolli filled with 'barely there' lobster's flesh. I guess they're only using one lobster to do the raviolli filling *sigh~*)
03. Lemon/Lime Sorbet
(Again, another dissapointment. The sorbet tasted sickeningly sour to the max! No kidding! I mean, I know it has lime and lemon but takkan takde bubuh sikit gula pun?)
Main course: Rack of Grilled Lamb & Mint Sauce with Mashed Potato and Wonton Mushroom Stuffing
(Major rubbish. HUGE dissapointment. The so called wonton mushroom stuffing is nothing but a dried up mushroom wrapped in a plain wantan skin. Our lambs are raw - totally unacceptable. The only good and edible thing is the mashed potato-itu pun ala-ala je. Most of the guests, including us skipped main course except for Twiggy sebab dia memang prefer rare meat)
Dessert : Cheese cake & chocolate with coffee or tea
(No complaints coz I'm a sucker for cheese cake!)
How could they serve us that kind of food with TYT and Chief Minister as honorable guest? What a shame! Kebanyakan guest complaint pasal makanan x sedap especially the main course. Sampai sekarang aku masih sakit hati and geram tau! Bayar mahal tapi makanan macam sampah! (ok...ok...company yang bayar but still, it's not cheap)
Anyway, enuff about the food. Let's see us in action during our camwhoring session:-
Jac in action
After the dinner, kami gi clubbing at The Jugs Pacific. We danced and danced like no one's business. Rasanya kami yang paling riuh malam tu. All the setans terlepas already lor...but still aku masih waras. Yes, I'm a smoker and loves clubbing, but that doesn't mean I drink. Dalam jam 0215 gitu, Twiggy & Sylvia dah intoxicated + kelaparan so we all decided to go to Salim and grab a bite. We car pooled in Damien's minivan.
We left Salim at 330am. Aku sampai rumah almost 4am. It's pouring rain but aku sempat lagi cuci kain sebab we've planned to go to kampung on Sunday. Just imagine la betapa mengantuknya aku tapi terpaksa juga gagahkan diri driving for 30 minute to Papar, then another 30 minutes to kampung. Nasib baik selamat pergi and balik...alhamdulillah!
Rasanya sampai sini je untuk kali ni. Ada masa aku post entry lagi ye. Till next post, TataTitiTutu.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
It's time for a confession.
Remember when I told you guys about me leaving PB for AHSB? I was so excited at that time I refuse to let fear crept inside of me. Nover I thought of it, not even for a milisecond of my life. But now, I've gotta admit that this fucking fear-feeling starts to take over me. I'm getting scared day after day by the humonguos responsibilities shouldered on me. I started to question my ability to lead and resolve my job, doubt my decision and started to have clogged brain by the second I step into my office. I can't think, can't do my work properly and so fed up by this situation. WHAT HAPPENED TO ME? Am I jinxed? (Fuck it, brain! I dun believe in that kinda thing!)
Maybe I need a break. Wake up, Azlinda, wake up!
Urgh! I think I need to get away this weekend. Say, balik kampung?
Damn! Even that is hard to think for me! I HATE ME!
Do excuse me...I'm so fucked up I can't think straight. Must stop now or I'll go nuts!
Tull next post, TataTitiTutu!
Remember when I told you guys about me leaving PB for AHSB? I was so excited at that time I refuse to let fear crept inside of me. Nover I thought of it, not even for a milisecond of my life. But now, I've gotta admit that this fucking fear-feeling starts to take over me. I'm getting scared day after day by the humonguos responsibilities shouldered on me. I started to question my ability to lead and resolve my job, doubt my decision and started to have clogged brain by the second I step into my office. I can't think, can't do my work properly and so fed up by this situation. WHAT HAPPENED TO ME? Am I jinxed? (Fuck it, brain! I dun believe in that kinda thing!)
Maybe I need a break. Wake up, Azlinda, wake up!
Urgh! I think I need to get away this weekend. Say, balik kampung?
Damn! Even that is hard to think for me! I HATE ME!
Do excuse me...I'm so fucked up I can't think straight. Must stop now or I'll go nuts!
Tull next post, TataTitiTutu!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Pictures...and lots of it!
These pictures were taken last Saturday, 03 November 07 during Palletive Charity Dinner at Magellan Sutera. Enjoy..:-
Damien & ChaCha. Please take note: Sesungguhnya tangan di hadapan itu adalah kepunyaan si ChaCha and not Damien's. Kang org salah sangka, ada yang putus tunang nanti (lariiiiiiiiikk!!!)
Orang posing cantik2, but si Animae and YB Ricky semangat patriotik, berdiri tegak la pulak!
The Ladies in action...


Damien to his awek: Betul, sia sungkai sini Beverly. Duduk sebelah Stanley ni...manada dating. Kalau tia picaya, nah ko cakap sama si Stanley..
Stanley: Apa kena mengena sama saya ooo? Bodo punya olang! Mau makan pun susah!
Raphael, Tahir and other guy from Motor (sorry I dunno your name)
Part of my colleagues at AHSB: Huuuujung sekali tu Linda S and..maybe Saharika. membelakang baju merah is Sally, to the left is Mimi Candra, Marilyn, Linda A, Karen, Almie, ???, Betty, Ursula and Maureen
In my next post, I'll be loading more pictures from our HSBC Roadshow - The Rugby Showcase at Gaya Street. Keep viewing!
Till next post, TataTitiTutu!
The Ladies in action...
Stanley: Apa kena mengena sama saya ooo? Bodo punya olang! Mau makan pun susah!
In my next post, I'll be loading more pictures from our HSBC Roadshow - The Rugby Showcase at Gaya Street. Keep viewing!
Till next post, TataTitiTutu!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I'm so tensed! Banyak perkara yang terjadi sejak kebelakangan ni menyebabkan aku sleepless and restless. Semenjak kerja di tempat baru ni, terlalu banyak responsibility yang aku pikul. Sometimes I dun even know where to start. Nasib baik aku ni jenis yang pandai guna otak. Kalau tidak, I'll be stuck and looks stupid. Kena pandai cari jalan to do your work. Yang paling penting, no delays. Paperwork lak bertimbun. Mana nak assign delivery lagi, nak buat schedule lagi, quotation lagi...grrrr....sabar aje la.
Anyhoo, the good news is, aku dah berjaya membeli sebuah kereta! Walaupun it's just an old car (Mitsubishi Lancer 1986), yang penting I can move easily. BTW, keta aku siap ada CD player, aircond and sport rim ok! I bought it at RM4000.00. Cash. No utang2. At least aku x sakit kepala memikir nak bayar bank sampai 7, 9 tahun lamanya. Alhamdulillah...finally ada jugak kenderaan sendiri. Tak lah menyusahkan orang lain...nak ke mana-mana pun aku boleh pegi sendiri. Biar la orang nak kata kereta aku buruk, sekurang-kurangnya...
I'm so tensed! Banyak perkara yang terjadi sejak kebelakangan ni menyebabkan aku sleepless and restless. Semenjak kerja di tempat baru ni, terlalu banyak responsibility yang aku pikul. Sometimes I dun even know where to start. Nasib baik aku ni jenis yang pandai guna otak. Kalau tidak, I'll be stuck and looks stupid. Kena pandai cari jalan to do your work. Yang paling penting, no delays. Paperwork lak bertimbun. Mana nak assign delivery lagi, nak buat schedule lagi, quotation lagi...grrrr....sabar aje la.
Anyhoo, the good news is, aku dah berjaya membeli sebuah kereta! Walaupun it's just an old car (Mitsubishi Lancer 1986), yang penting I can move easily. BTW, keta aku siap ada CD player, aircond and sport rim ok! I bought it at RM4000.00. Cash. No utang2. At least aku x sakit kepala memikir nak bayar bank sampai 7, 9 tahun lamanya. Alhamdulillah...finally ada jugak kenderaan sendiri. Tak lah menyusahkan orang lain...nak ke mana-mana pun aku boleh pegi sendiri. Biar la orang nak kata kereta aku buruk, sekurang-kurangnya...
We'll be participating a Rugby Carnival at Gaya Street tonight, starting from 6pm to 11pm. Khabarnya All Black punya players semua turun padang. Kang aku nak ambik gambar ngan diorang (kalau dapat lah ye). Esok aku nak cuti. Banyak benda aku nak buat. Nak gi pasar, gi daftar sekolah for Azlan and Ajib, pinjam dapur and periuk from my grandma, bayar bills, etc...etc...huh, busy sungguh hidupku.
That's all for now. Monday aku blog lagi. Till next post, TataTitiTutu!
We'll be participating a Rugby Carnival at Gaya Street tonight, starting from 6pm to 11pm. Khabarnya All Black punya players semua turun padang. Kang aku nak ambik gambar ngan diorang (kalau dapat lah ye). Esok aku nak cuti. Banyak benda aku nak buat. Nak gi pasar, gi daftar sekolah for Azlan and Ajib, pinjam dapur and periuk from my grandma, bayar bills, etc...etc...huh, busy sungguh hidupku.
That's all for now. Monday aku blog lagi. Till next post, TataTitiTutu!
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