Venue : Magellan Ballroom
I went to the dinner with my colleagues. Dressing glamorously and a bit daring, to be frank. So kisahnya dari tengah hari aku tak makan coz I'm expecting a 'gala' kind of food to be served. Well, when you're paying RM300 a seat you'll naturally assumed that the food's gonna be great. Truth is, we're down with dissapointment. Here's my review on the ~sigh~ foods (sorry no photos of the food):-
Starter : 3 multi flavored mini bread and butter.
(No complains. Nama pun starter kan...)
Appetizer : 01. Smoked Salmon, Avocado and Mango Sauce
(Raw fish? Eeeewwww...tolonglah. Yang aku makan cuma Avocado aje)
02. Quail's Flavored Soup and Lobster Raviolli
(We thought it's gonna be a HUGE serving...maklumlah pembukaan aje dah salmon kan. But no, no huge serving. It's just a bowl of crappy soup with one teeny tiny raviolli filled with 'barely there' lobster's flesh. I guess they're only using one lobster to do the raviolli filling *sigh~*)
03. Lemon/Lime Sorbet
(Again, another dissapointment. The sorbet tasted sickeningly sour to the max! No kidding! I mean, I know it has lime and lemon but takkan takde bubuh sikit gula pun?)
Main course: Rack of Grilled Lamb & Mint Sauce with Mashed Potato and Wonton Mushroom Stuffing
(Major rubbish. HUGE dissapointment. The so called wonton mushroom stuffing is nothing but a dried up mushroom wrapped in a plain wantan skin. Our lambs are raw - totally unacceptable. The only good and edible thing is the mashed potato-itu pun ala-ala je. Most of the guests, including us skipped main course except for Twiggy sebab dia memang prefer rare meat)
Dessert : Cheese cake & chocolate with coffee or tea
(No complaints coz I'm a sucker for cheese cake!)
How could they serve us that kind of food with TYT and Chief Minister as honorable guest? What a shame! Kebanyakan guest complaint pasal makanan x sedap especially the main course. Sampai sekarang aku masih sakit hati and geram tau! Bayar mahal tapi makanan macam sampah! ( yang bayar but still, it's not cheap)
Anyway, enuff about the food. Let's see us in action during our camwhoring session:-
Jac in action
After the dinner, kami gi clubbing at The Jugs Pacific. We danced and danced like no one's business. Rasanya kami yang paling riuh malam tu. All the setans terlepas already lor...but still aku masih waras. Yes, I'm a smoker and loves clubbing, but that doesn't mean I drink. Dalam jam 0215 gitu, Twiggy & Sylvia dah intoxicated + kelaparan so we all decided to go to Salim and grab a bite. We car pooled in Damien's minivan.
We left Salim at 330am. Aku sampai rumah almost 4am. It's pouring rain but aku sempat lagi cuci kain sebab we've planned to go to kampung on Sunday. Just imagine la betapa mengantuknya aku tapi terpaksa juga gagahkan diri driving for 30 minute to Papar, then another 30 minutes to kampung. Nasib baik selamat pergi and balik...alhamdulillah!
Rasanya sampai sini je untuk kali ni. Ada masa aku post entry lagi ye. Till next post, TataTitiTutu.
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