Sunday, November 15, 2009

I'm on drug...seriously!

Yep, you read it right. I'm on drug, literally. But not that kind of drug la. It's because I'm having a little problem with my hormones, apparently it went crazy in my body (hence the temper!) causing an irregular menstrual cycle. I took a blood test last month, and got the result last week so I went for another appointment at the clinic.

They have to manually write down my number. Something wrong with their numbering machine

I'm actually trying to snap that blinky thing on top, just to show u guys that the numbering does not work. However, since my phone's not working really well since it's screen shattered to million pieces, I have to make do with this pic.

Surprisingly the clinic is quite empty...and I don't really have to wait for long for my turn. in about 15 minutes or so, I'm ready to see my doctor.

Done with check up. Time to get my drug. Those pharmacist are really efficient. Service done in matters of minute.

Got a day MC. I'm really happy! A chance to relax at home at last!

The drug that I have to consume for 10 freakin' days! I need to take this thing to induce my menstruation AND 21 days after my period, I have to undergo another test for my hormone count. Then they'll prescribe me another balance my hormones.

So that's that, my life so far.

C ya!

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