I've lost my microscopic screw somewhere, so please forgive me if it's a mess...
Friday, June 29, 2007
Confirm or Not?
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The List 3 : My Jejakas Idamanz....
Straight to the point, let's check the next episode of my list. Today, it's all about guys, guys, guys! So I wanna share my Jejakas Idamans with you guys. This is also to proove that I have a great taste in man (probably the reason why I'm still single). Kenapa? Tak percaya aah? Okay, Ko tengok la gambar jejakas kus as follows (in ranDom order)

First saw him on Gilmore Girls, did'nt like him one bit. I was gugugagaing over Jared Padalecki at that time so I completely ignored Milo's potential to be the next hottie. As he grew mature, so does his looks. I'm totally breathless when I saw him in Heroes cause he looked so...different from his Gilmore Girls day. Love you Milo!

He's my favourite in 'NSYNC from the beginning (I Want You Back..lalalalala). He's got a powerful voice too! I was under his spell when I saw 'NSYNC videoclip - GONE. He's totally HOT with his wavy hair and well-toned body. Even if he's career don't really shine like Justin, he's always be in my heart. You'll always have my love, J!
I dont care if he's dating Linda Onn! He's HOT! He's got the 'LELAKI MELAYU SEJATI' Look. Although in my opinion his shoulder's too broad, but that does'nt degrade my liking in him. His personality, his charisma, his background...whew, so son-in-law material. When my mom bugged me with the 'when will you get married' type of question, my answer is 'Tunggu Fahrin meminang..'. Automatically my mom will keep quiet. So I can say Fahrin is my Knight in Shining Armour. You're my hero, Fahrin...
This one I dah cop jadi laki! I booking okay! Ada yang jealous? Menyampah? I don't care! I don't care if you wanna say that I'm perasan or watever. Kalau ko menyampah, jangan baca blog aku. Mekaseh. So, this cutie pie memang menjadi kegilaan aku. I really like his face, his personality yang sempoi but smart. I know he's quite manja tapi dia best. Kalau cuddle mesti best ni..hehehe...anywayz, aku memang chentakan AKO MUSTAPHA (dia cinta aku ke tak? heheheh)
LOUIS KOO TIN LOK First saw him in Cold Blood Warm Heart. Masa tu dia putih melepak lagi, bibir pun merah menyala gitu. Hidung mancung, body jangan cakaplah. But ramai orang cakap yang he's snobbish. Ah, gasaklah. Snobbish knobbish, he's still HOT. . Dalam ramai- ramai Hongkies punya pelakon, aku rasa dia yang paling handsome (Leon Lai, Aaron Kwok, Jimmy Lin sudah out of list sebab sudah kertu). Wajib di tayang kepada umum kalau dia jadi boyfriend aku (mati la berangan!). NGO OI NEI, AH KOO!
Me and my aunt memang crazy over this guy. What a handsome face he have. Just look at him; hidung mancung, dagu lekuk, mata sexy, bibir sexy...I wonder if he's a good kisser *wondering*..Hmmm...*smile*. I really wanna thank my Mom coz she's the one who brought this Japanese video tape entitled Beach Boys, starring Yutaka & takeshi Sorimachi. So basically dia yang introduce me to Yutaka. From that moment, there's no turning back. Jatuh hati sejatuh-jatuhnya with him...feeling giler you!. Aishiteru, Takenouchi-sama

Do you remember this handsome face? No? Let me give you a hint - The New Adventure of Robin Hood. Got it? It was back in 1999 or 1998 if I'm not mistaken (we have'nt installed our Astro yet) and the programme aired on TV3 every Thursday at 2100 or 2130. And yes, we've got our butt glued to the couch every Thursday, drooling over him (walaupun dalam ramai ramai ni dia yang paling 'kertu'). Sampai mimpi jadi Maid Marion, okay! Kelas gitu. You're my Prince Charming, Matt!
I am so lucky to be a CSI's buff coz I found this hot Latino in CSI Miami. He's sooo yummylicious! With his tanned skin, toned body, gorgeous eyes and sexy lips...he won my heart. I like his voice, his walk his persona...kinda make me stunned whenever I laid my eyes on him. Besides, don't they always said that Latino's have the best butt in the world? Te Amo, Adamito!


I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!!!! Nah ambik kau declaration of love yang melampau katanya. I don't give a damn kalau aku di kutuk. He's my favourite of all, the one and only ORLANDO BLOOM. Dari LOTR sampai Pirates, he's still number one in my heart. Kalau dia jadi boyfriend aku, wajib di tayang seluruh dunia dan sumpah akan setia sampai mati (over kan statement I?). Whatever it is, you're the best, ORLY!
There you have it, senarai jejaka hot menurut pandangan aku. Memang meletops abis diorang kan? Tapi it's not the end of it coz there's more hottie in my list. I'll keep posting in my future entries.
For those who'd like to share your thought on my hottie, you're more than welcomed. But remember to leave your name okay! Nama samaran pun boleh, at least better than anonymous. I'd like to know who you are.
Till next post, TataTitiTutu!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
The 80's..
If I could turn back time to my childhood kan best? Teringin aku mau tengok balik gaya aku masa budak-budak dulu. Mesti aku ketawa tu sebab dulu I'm kinda like gangster sikit. Very the garang and tomboyish. Hish...macam bodo ja.
Okay, for those yang still remember Moero Attack, here's the video of it's opening credit. I can't believe i still know how to sing the song after soooo long, and now it's stuck in my head like a faulty CD player (hikhikhik)
Enjoy guys, until next post, TataTitiTutu!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Aku Lambat Pi Kerja ( LAGI) Hari Ni.....
It's been raining for the past few days and I tahank GOD for that. It makes me sleep like a baby through the nite, what with the air so cold...bilik aku yang panas membara pun rasa macam ada aircond. Woohooo...aku suka! AND my sis slept at my aunt's house for 2 days straight so I have the room for myself, plus, I have the advantage of having our little table fan all to myself! Of course it's only temporary but I'll enjoy it while it last.
Today I've cooked Ikan Rebus Kunyit (lunch cum dinner). Add in a lot of cili padi for a kick. Soooo delicious. I cannot tahan, terus makan as soon as ikan masak. Hirup kuah semangkuk...best gilaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! Tapau bawa pi office for dinner. Speaking of which, I am late for work...AGAIN! LAst week pun lambat, today pun lambat for almost 30 minutes. My bad, lambat gerak dari rumah. Friday selalunya aku awal jalan coz our bus stop is very near to Masjid so memang crowded every Friday orang sembahyang Jumaat. Bas jarang masuk sebab jalan sempit, penuh kereta so susah bergerak. Normally jam 1200 aku sudah sampai di bus stop but tadi almost 1240 baru gerak dari rumah. Lambat la jadinya.
Tadi juga my Czech group of 6 pax depart balik negeri dia. Sent them off at departure hall, gambar - gambar sikit, then babai dorang. No, I wont post those pictures here coz I don't look good in it.
I guess I have to stop now, time to go home. I'll tell you more in my next post. Until then, TataTitiTutu...
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Thank you!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
The List 2
Saturday, June 16, 2007
The List
Friday, June 15, 2007
Same old, same old

Sunday, June 10, 2007
I Fell In Love...
Usah biarku bersendirian
Ku tak peduli apa sebabnya
Yang terindah
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Eeewwww...gross! Punya buruk! I wonder why won't she cover her face. Maybe mau buat orang kesian sama dia. Patut kesian ka tidak? For me, better dia serve her time so she knows yang walaupun dia kaya raya, salah tetap salah. Mudahan dia insaf...
Semalam aku miss tingu APM sebab asyik bercerita sama my sis yang baru pulang dari Labuan. Seminggu dia holiday di sana. Berabis kami hantam chocolate! Sekali tingu jam pukul 11 sudah. Sempat tingu the last 1/2 hours ja. Ndak pa la tunggu ulangan ja nanti.
Bad news...camera aku rosak! Ni pasal my sis n cousins la, berabis bergambar di Labuan sampai camera jahanam. Nampaknya until camera baik baru dapat upload gambar baru. In the mean time, blogging without pictures la jawabnya....
Okay, aku mau dinner dulu. Till next post, TataTitiTutu!
Friday, June 8, 2007
QUE HICISTE (J.Lo-Anthony)
Ayer los dos soñabamos con un mundo perfecto
Ayer a nuestros labios les sobraban las palabras
Porque en los ojos nos espiabamos el alma
Y la verdad no vacilaba en tu mirada
Ayer nos prometimos conquistar el mundo entero
Ayer tu me juraste que ese amor seria eterno
Por que una vez equivocarse suficiente
Para aprender lo que es amar sinceramente
Qué Hiciste?
Hoy destruiste con tu orgullo la esperanza
Hoy empañaste con tu furia mi mirada
Borraste toda nuestra historia con tu rabia
Y confundiste tanto amor que te entregaba
Con un permiso para si romperme el alma
Qué Hiciste?
Nos obligaste a destruir las madrugadas
Y nuestras noches las ahogaron tus palabras
Mis ilusiones acabaron con tus farzas
Se te olvido que era el amor lo que importaba
Y con tus manos derrumbaste nuestra casa
Mañana que amanezca un dia nuevo en mi universo
Mañana no vere tu nombre escrito entre mis versos
No escuchare palabras de arrepentimiento
Ignorare sin pena tu remordimiento
Mañana olvidare que ayer yo fui tu fiel amante
Mañana ni siquiera habra razones para odiarte
Yo borrare todos tus sueños en mis sueños
Que el viento arrastre para siempre tus recuerdos
Qué Hiciste? Hoy destruiste con tu orgullo la esperanza
Hoy empañaste con tu furia mi mirada
Borraste toda nuestra historia con tu rabia
Y confundiste tanto amor que te entregaba
Con un permiso para si romperme el alma
Qué Hiciste?
Nos obligaste a destruir las madrugadas
Y nuestras noches las ahogaron tus palabras
Mis ilusiones acabaron con tus farzas
Se te olvido que era el amor lo que importaba
Y con tus manos derrumbaste nuestra casa
Y confundiste tanto amor que te entregaba
Hoy no permito para ti romperme el alma
Qué Hiciste?
Nos obligaste a destruir las madrugadas
Y nuestras noches las ahogaron tus palabras
Mis ilusiones acabaron con tus farzas
Se te olvido que era el amor lo que importaba
Y con tus manos derrumbaste nuestra casa
Till next post....Adios...TataTitiTutu...