Monday, July 30, 2007

Just Got Paid

Just got my pay check today. Still have to wait for another 3 days to get it cleared *sigh*. This time, I'll try to control my spending. Hopefully I could.

I'm not in my best mood these few days. No mood to work to be exact. I don't even care if they wanna sack me. I've been slaving for almost three years in this crappy company for nothing in return. No raise, no commission, nothing! Whenever we asked for a raise, they gave us one million excuses for not raising our salary. Well, I have a few words for those idiot management - FUCK OFF! DAMN YOU! MAY YOU ROT IN HELL!

I'm not sorry for saying that. They seriously deserve it. Malas aku mau explain kebodohan 'mereka-mereka' yang sememangnya tolol, goblok and bangang tahap babi tu. Buang masa aku ja. So sekarang ni aku memang buat kerja aku but to work harder like before, kirim salam saja la! Kerja separuh mati macam mana pun tiada appreciation so why must I bother to work like a slave? I don't wanna be stupid anymore.

Once I've got better offer, I'll waste no time to leave this bloody company. I've had enough.

To all good boss out there who read my blog, if your company need a hard working, dedicated and trustworthy employee, please let me know. I'll send my resume faster than you can click the 'send' button on your e-mail.

Tomorrow is my off day.


Sorry if my vulgar words makes you guys uncomfortable. I just have to get it out of my system.

Right. I have to go. Until next post, TataTitiTutu.

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