I'm sure y'all know how terrible and excruciatingly painful it is to smell the scent of BO or stinky armpit. I can't describe how I absolutely loath a person with BO or stinky armpit, and I don't understand how could he/she not realize of the stench. How could they do that? Are they somehow immuned by their own smell no matter how bad or how 'beraroma' the smell could be?? Or are they just being a stupid, ignorant people who couldn't care less about nasal-hazard (that they brought with their BO) to other human being?? This is too much!

I've encountered this unpleasant situation TWICE today. In the morning before I had my breakfast AND just before I went for lunch. What a perfect timing! To make it worse, the BO came from the same person (company's driver)! My oh my, what a cruel world I'm living in...now I'm suffering from lost of appetite (thanks to YOU, you smelly sucker!). And the stench...the icky, filthy stench seems to stuck in my nose forever. Uwek!

I'll have a word with him one day, I promise. Not that I chickened out just now but ada client depan aku (muka client pun dah naik hijau biru, tahan nafas agaknya). I can't let one person bring down our image. Furthermore, he's driving a tourist van, dealing with them on daily basis. How can he face people like that? If I can't stand his smell, let alone the tourist! Tak pasal-pasal ada yang termuntah dalam van. So before complaint datang baik aku tegur dulu. Maybe tomorrow bila dia sampai. Siap ko, I have a 'special gift' for ya! I dun care if you're pissed with me cause it's for your own good.
Ye la, memang kita ada natural BO. Cara mengatasinya ialah mandi bersih-bersih dan pakailah deodorant atau bedak. Aku syorkan kepada korang yang ber BO to use this:-

I've encountered this unpleasant situation TWICE today. In the morning before I had my breakfast AND just before I went for lunch. What a perfect timing! To make it worse, the BO came from the same person (company's driver)! My oh my, what a cruel world I'm living in...now I'm suffering from lost of appetite (thanks to YOU, you smelly sucker!). And the stench...the icky, filthy stench seems to stuck in my nose forever. Uwek!

I'll have a word with him one day, I promise. Not that I chickened out just now but ada client depan aku (muka client pun dah naik hijau biru, tahan nafas agaknya). I can't let one person bring down our image. Furthermore, he's driving a tourist van, dealing with them on daily basis. How can he face people like that? If I can't stand his smell, let alone the tourist! Tak pasal-pasal ada yang termuntah dalam van. So before complaint datang baik aku tegur dulu. Maybe tomorrow bila dia sampai. Siap ko, I have a 'special gift' for ya! I dun care if you're pissed with me cause it's for your own good.
Ye la, memang kita ada natural BO. Cara mengatasinya ialah mandi bersih-bersih dan pakailah deodorant atau bedak. Aku syorkan kepada korang yang ber BO to use this:-

Or this:-

to control your BO sebelum ia menjadi parah like si *TuT*. Eksen kemain lagi tapi hakikatnya ketiakmu busuk! Agaknya bulu ketiak dia tu dah boleh di sanggul ye? Iihhhyaiks! Loya tekak aku!
So people, take care of your hygiene..it's very important especially if your line of work banyak berdepan dengan orang. Always check kalau badan kira-kira bau tengik tu, go mandi and change la! If u dun care, other people care! Bukannya nak menyibuk hal korang but for GOD sake, tolong le jangan menyeksa lubang idung orang sekeliling anda, okay!
Just think about it.
Dah, aku nak gi muntah. That shitty smell makin kuat pulak baunya macam sumpahan pulak. SIAL!!!!!!
Till next post, TataTitiTutu!
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