Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Had a conversation with mom last nite:-

Mom: (Out of the blue) When are you gonna get married?
Me: Huh? Why are you asking?
Mom: Coz you're turning three O this year. I'm worried.
Me: About what? Mom, please la, this is a new modern era one's gonna call me andartu if I'm not married yet at this age, so stop worrying
Mom: Say what you want, dear, but I'm still worried.
Me: Why? Why are you fussing about this thing so suddenly?
Mom: Because I'm your mom, that's why!

What a smack! Well, mom will always be mom. No matter how big or capable you think you are, you're still a baby in you mom's eyes.

I wonder what kind of mom will I be?

Till next post, TataTitiTutu

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