I've lost my microscopic screw somewhere, so please forgive me if it's a mess...
Monday, March 31, 2008
AF6 2nd Concert
LUFYA (Cintaku 100%)
I'm still not convinced that she could sing. I appreciate her effort, trying hard to impress the critics and fans but something is missing. Maybe lack of sincerity sebab she dun like the song and it shows. Uh-oh...apa hal ketiak basah? Haiyo...
I give you...2 out of 10 (sepatutnya 3 tapi potong 1 markah sebab ketiak basah...hahahahah)
TOI (Sang Pencinta)
Ok la bagi aku. Mau cakap dia best, x juga but at least x la bertabur performance dia. Kurang penghayatan and he's gotta improve his vocal more. Other than that, ok la..
Aku kasi dia 6 out of 10 for being fun..hehe..
STANLY (Sudah Tu Sudah)
Kan aku dah cakap...he's gonna murder the song. It is proven that I'm right! WOOHOOOO!! What an atrocious performance! Pitching ke longkang, phrasing entah hapa2, breathing jangan cakap la, x sustain langsung. Lebih teruk from last week. Tell me, what's his excuse this time, huh? We'll see if he improve next week.
I give you... -5 out of 10 for making my ears bernanah last Saturday
RINA (Ku Seru)
Sorry to say that I dun like the way she perform this song. Ala-ala sampai x sampai jer. and she turned to face the audience at the wrong time..x synchronized with the whole thing. Pendek kata x cantik la. This week x berapa best cam last week, so I hope she could 'tebus dosa' by performing her best for next week.
Aku bagi 3 out of 10 for effort
ALIFF (Angan Dan Sedar)
Macam orang sakit! Where's his energy gone to? This song is full of energy, but Aliff nyanyi lemau semacam. Audience di depan but dia pi tengok dancers memanjang tu apahal? Muka pun skema ja macam teda feeling. Senyum pun tidak. Hish, kluar la ko minggu depan! Menyampah aku! Tapi sebelum ko kluar, ko tembak dulu si Jasmi Rejab tu. Ntah fashion apa dia kasi ko ni kan?
Aku bagi 0 out of 10 for persembahan beliau yang lemau iteww
IKA (Malu Tapi Mahu)
(Faham2 lah ye)
She deserves -10000000000000 out of 10 for her pathetic, diabolical performance...uwek!
NAIM (Aspalela)
Supposed to be entertaining and actually I expect Naim to play with the lyric. I'm a bit dissapointed cause Naim did not show enough attitude to carry this song. Maybe dia takut kena compare with Raja Lawak kot? Well, tuntutan lagunya dah macam tu, you have to play with your imagination. Ops, segment duyung iteww sungguh membuang masa and x perlu, okay! And, please, tendang si Jasmi Rejab bodoh tu jauh jauh! Look at what Naim's wearing? Macam pilak di KK punya style, hish!
Hmmm...aku bagi 3 out of 10 for effort untuk Naim
FAISAL (Ranggi Metropolis)
'Lagu Nasyid Tahun 3000' kata Ramli MS..hehe. Abang Nasyid dah improve yer...siap lompat tu! I like his performance but still won't root for him. One thing aku perasan - rambut dia cam tanduk kan? If he continue to improve, maybe leh stay lama kat Akademi.
Last week aku bagi -5, kali ni aku bagi 7 out of 10 coz dah improve.
SAIDA (Dokter Cinta)
Memang improve dari last week, but still not convincing enough. She can move alright tapi mcm tak unleash sepenuhnya. Lagu ni cheeky and gatal2 sikit tapi nampaknya dia belum ready to go all out. Masih kureng banyak lagi yer. Last week she sounded very different from her sister *rolling my eyes* but this week ada part2 yg sounded like *rolling my eyes..AGAIN!* her sister.
It's 5 out of 10 for Saida
STACY (Rela)
YEAH she did it AGAIN! *Clap* Stacy did make this song worth hearing! This babe is really something. I hope she'll continue to shine all the way. She just stood there and sing but I can feel her emotion flowing throughout the song. Enchanting! Good job, Stacy!
Another 10 out of 10...superb!
RIZ (Separuh Masa)
My favourite song! Riz definitely can move, but x payah la move banyak sangat...nampak semput sampai breathing x dpt di kontrol. Baju pun sendat semacam sampai nampak gegaran lelemaks di sekitar perut....oh tidakz! And the hair, OMG! What the fuck happen to his hair? Last week teruk, kali ni pun sama teruk! Please la, ubah style 'mengcover' kebotakan itu to something else next week, naik jelak aku tengok!
Aku kasi 4 out of 10, tolak markah sebab baju n rambut yang teruk. Blame Jasmi Rejab, not me, mind!
NUBHAN (Tak Bisa Memilihmu)
Good job, cuma tempo ada lari sikit (how could the critics not realize this? Tsk...tsk...tsk). I agree with Adlin yang Nubhan looks so macam budak2 but his voice is something else. I'm impressed but if he could do better next week I lagi suka.
Nubhan gets 8 out of 10. I like!
NADIA (Umbrella)
Not good...not good...me no likey! Music arrangement pun busuk! She should concentrate more on her singing than dancing. Nampak macam terkejar-kejar dari satu phrasing ke satu phrasing. I dun like the way she pronounce 'together', 'forever', 'ever', 'each other' during the chorus. Macam dia tekan sangat perkataan tu. I hope dia belajar to be mo relax and improve her singing sebab her tone is so good. Too bad this week she didn't do well.
2 out of 10..too bad!
Credit to AC juga sebab improved a lot from last week walaupun masih ada jokes yang x menjadi..hehhehehehhe...
My prayers have been answered with the departure of Ika a.k.a The Idiot. I think this time people have made a right decision.
X sabar tunggu diari malam ni. Lagu apa pulak diorang dapat ek?
Toodles peeps!
Saturday and AF6 2nd Concert
After makan aku balik terus sebab xda mood mau merayau. Gaji pun belum masuk mau shopping apa. Bagus balik qada tidur, lagi best. Anyway, x kesampaian hajat murniku sebab drg Bubu & anak2 ada pula di rumah. X syok la kan time ada tamu aku membongkang. *Nasib baik aku pi makan rojak before balik tadi. Sekali aku check lauk di rumah, MASYA ALLAH, licin daaa...kalau aku tunggu sampai rumah baru makan, alamat kebulur la aku..*
Cerita gitu gini serba sedikit, start masak pulak. A very simple meal, tomato sausage & chips for the kids, and kami makan sardin tumis pedas with sayur kobis. Not long after that aku goreng kuih bawang for us to munch-munch during AF Concert.
I'll do my review of AF Concert in my next post. Sekarang aku mental block sebab banyak mau fikir....
Wargh! Bila gaji mau masuuuuukkkkkkk???????????
Toodles peeps!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Being Sick...
This morning I woke up with a terrible headache. Ikut hati malas mo turun kerja tapi there's something yang aku mau kasi settle hari ni. Mau x mau turun juga but ari ni muka aku pucat abis sebab I did not put my make up on. Malas..no mood aku mau berlawa. Kira2 mau ambil 1/2 day la, just in case aku x larat...
Huh..berpusing kepala aku sekarang. Stop dulu la, nanti2 aku sambung.
Toodles peeps!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I keep wondering kenapa susah betul aku mau dapat tempat kerja yang aku suka sampai melekat bertahun tahun? Everytime aku dapat kerja, mesti environment dia x best. This is just my 2nd month with MRAC, tapi aku sudah rasa burnt out. Susah mau communicate sama people around this company. And maybe aku rasa x ngam sama diorang because:-
1) Yang kerja sini semua sedara mara anak buah cousin sepupu sepapat boss (kecuali aku, Sakamoto & our guide - Juatim)
2) They communicate dalam bahasa Bajau. Manalah aku faham!
3) Boss selalu tiada di office, susah mau bincang apa2 sama dia. Kalau cakap sama the missus pun x guna sebab balik2 jawapan dia 'tanya boss'. Grrrr...geram aku!
So because of reason no 3 above, banyak planning aku terbengkalai. Bincang sma boss pun selalu 1/2 way cause we'll always be interrupted by phone calls (My boss punya HP akan berbunyi every 2 or 3 minutes). Mesti dia akan cakap 'kita sambung lain kali klu aku ada masa'. Bila aku kasi remind dia balik, dia suda lupa apa aku cakap earlier. So I have to refresh his memory again and again but same case la kena interrupt by phone calls and tunda and it goes on and on and on sampai aku fed-up. That's why aku rasa kalau pi kerja pun no point. Well, the only good thing is I get to use the computer & free internet...theee..he...he...
I've made up my mind. Esok aku ambil MC. No turning back.
Toodles peeps!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I dunno how to explain but I feel there's something missing. I did my duty but still mcm ada yg x lengkap. It doesn't make me happy inside. I wanna job that makes me happy and satisfied (hey, bukan blowjob or yang sewaktu dengannya aah...dasar otak rainbow tul!). Something yang boleh buat aku proud and say "Yep, I did that" sambil mengembangkan hidung aku dengan rasa bangga ya amat..kui kui kui...something like that lah.
Infact, aku rasa aku ni x sesuai kerja ngan orang. Apakah aku sesuai kerja dengan baboon? Oh, tidakzzzz! *tepuk dahi*
Ngeh ngeh ngeh...truth is, aku minat 2 things. 1) Masak memasak 2) Mekap memekapkan orang. Aku ada angan2 mau buka restoran or saloon. Antara satu la, tapi kalau dapat dua2 sekali ;). Kecil-kecilan pun xpa yang penting bisnes sendiri. Sekarang ni aku in process mau enroll belajar gunting rambut and make up, Aunty Norma yang sponsor. Kalau sudah expert boleh la buka kedai.
Siapa tau kalau aku dapat durian runtuh one day kan? Rezeki ada di mana2. Kalau Allah mau kasi, bila2 boleh dapat, InsyaAllah. In the mean time, I mau cari kerja baru...macam teda hati suda aku mau kerja sini.
Lagu Week 2 AF6
Alif - Angan Dan Sedar (Mawi)
Malas mau komen. Gerenti buruk.
Faisal - Ranggi Metropolis ( Awie)
Mampus la kau!
Naim - Aspalela (Apek)
Muahahahahhahahaa....lawak..lawak! Jangan jadi competition Raja Lawak sudah.
Nubhan - Tak Bisa Memilihmu (6ixth Sense)
Beautiful song...kalau ko kasi hancur, siap kau!
Riz - Separuh Masa ( The Lima )
Catchy...ala, kawan2 dia punya lagu juga ni time dia ikut GangStarz. Easy lah!
Stanly - Yang Sudah Itu Sudah (Imran Ajmain)
I dunno this song, never heard it before. I betcha mesti hancus giler lagu ni dikerjakan si 'Perasan Pavaroti' tu.
Toi - Sang Pencinta ( M.Nasir )
Lagu ni pun aku x pernah dgr. But M Nasir punya lagu mesti mcm lagu org gila kan, so I suspect si Toi mesti x faham lirik ni. Habis la kau Toi...
Ika - Malu Tapi Mahu (Dina)
Bleurgh..buang masa cakap pasal si palui ni.
Lufya - Cintaku 100% ( Mas Idayu)
HAHAHHAHHAHAA....matik la ko begelek! HAHAHHHAA!
Nadia - Umbrella (Rihanna)
Hope she could pull it off. Walaupun aku x suka lagu ni (macam sial ja...ela..ela...ela..eh..eh..eh..kimet!) tapi I hope she do well.
Rina - Ku Seru (Misha Omar)
Sesuai ka suara dia nyanyi lagu ni? Nanti ada lagi gimik pontianak terbang di pentas la, apa la...hish, buang karan!
Saida - Dokter Cinta (Dewi Dewi)
Nah...ambik sedas! Rasain lo nyanyi lagu getek.
Stacy - Rela (Tila) Kalau Stacy salah bawa, mmg mengantuk jadinya ni. Sdgkan original singer nyanyi pun aku mau tidur...tapi I hope she could make this song more attractive.
Tu ja update for this time.
Toodles peeps!
Monday, March 24, 2008
AF6 1st Concert
Diaries okay coz Sarimah is the host and she did a good job. But AC Mizal as AF concerts host...hurm...not so good but give him a chance. Who knows ada miracle?
I'm not trying to be a commentator abour AF or it's students mcm other bloggers, but I just wanna voice out my honest opinion about them. It may be a little rough but it's my blog anyway and sukati aku mau cakap apa so here goes (U no likey? U bleh blah! Pigi baca blog org lain)
Rina - Simply The Best (Tina Turner)
No doubt she could perform. But it's quite a club performance in my thinking. Boleh tahan la kan for a 44 yr old lady.
I give....6 out of 10.
Alif - Sayang Sayang (Aliff Aziz)
BORING BORING BORIIIIIIIIIING. Sudah la lagu buruk, performance pun yuckie..suara dia laaaagi la teruk! Macam x makan 10 hari! I almost doozed-off during his performance.
0 out of 10 sebab x best
Lufya - Engkar (Bungawateverhernameis)
She's pretty alright, but can she sing well? Nope, I dun think so. Setakat K-Box or Karaoke lounge ok la kot. Semput, not applying the correct breathing technique. Ooh..she dances a little too much over the song too! Is that suppossed to impress us? Again, nope! Perhaps after si Alif kena comment tu she's thinking to herself, 'Maybe I should dance a bit more, play with the camera,
For her so so performance, I give her 1 out of 10
Naim - Memburu Rindu (Hattan)
Shiz! This lass butchered the song! Kalau aku jadi Hattan, aku cekik si Naim. It's like nyanyi di khemah orang kahwin. Memang terrible. Tapi in diaries...masa dia nyanyi dangdut tu ok pulak yer? Eh, nice hair! For the first time muka Naim nampak resh..bukan macam muka bantal......ngeh ngeh ngeh....
It's also 1 out of 10 for Naim
Ika - Kesetiaan (Siti Sarah)
WTF? Mcm mana makhluk ni blh masuk AF? Mau cakap cantik, apparently not...so what makes her qualified? At first she berangan feeling mau nyanyi Umbrella (yuck, lagu sial!). When Pengetua tanya why she chose that song, dia jawab sebab dia minat lagu Umbrella. Oi bongok, pilih lagu ikut kemampuan vokal, bukan pasal minat. Pengetua tau ko mmg x bole bawa lagu Umbrella yg x best tu, that's y tukar lagu Kesetiaan. Last last ko kasi hancur the song with your fugly, diabolical voice like nyanyian budak tadika. Big mistake, Ika, BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG mistake! Eeeeeewwwwww.....VOTE HER OUT PLEASE!
Aku kasi ko -10 out of 10. HAHHAHAHHAHAHHHAHAH!!!!!!!
Toi - Pagi Yang Gelap (Hujan)
Contrary to other people's comment about him, I find his performance quite entertaining. Okay, he's not much of a model or anything, but he's fun! I guess he's saved by his song selection. Next task belum tau lagi. If he's good then he'll shine but honestly I dun think he could co far in this industry UNLESS jadi pelakon cerita lawak. Sorry, just being honest *giggling*
I give him...5 out of 10..hiks
Nadia - Rindu (Hetty Koes Endang)
What a pretty baby! She's adorable. She's got a huge voice and lucky her she's chosen the right song. My only wish is for her to soften up her voice just a lil' bit. If she did, it'll be perfect!
I grant her an 8 out of 10 (almost perfect)
Riz - Ketulusan Hati (My Chenta a.k.a Anuar Zain...thee..he...he..)
It's my fav song! And I'm glad, just glad Riz did well. However I'm not jumping on the couch over his performancelah, coz obviously masih ada slack here and there but I like his own improvisation over the song. Sounds's nice so I say he's good. And somebody please shoot the haidresser (or was it the image consultant?) dead on his/her brain! Apa punya style rambut si Riz ni? Macam orang botak yang bela rambut panjang kat tepi to cover the kebotakan. Teruk la!
I give him 8 out of 10 for not murdering the song (less 1% for the awful hair..tsk..tsk..tsk..)
Yana - Diriku Tapak Sulaiman (Elyana)
This song needs a lot focus...sadly, Yana doesn't have it. I dun think she understand the meaning as well. Plain. Boring. Forgettable. Zilch. Baju pun gross! Hey, kill the image consultant, please!
Yana, I give you 1 out of 10 sebab buruk performance ko!
Nubhan - Ruang Rindu (Letto)
Dun like him. I really dont. Good choice of song tapi I think he's quite sengau. I have problem with that. Anyway, he's not as bad as Ika, which is a good news. Performance, plain. Style, plain. Look, erm...so-so. Like Toi, I dun think he could go far in this industry unless dia ada talent behind the scene like tulis lirik or lagu. Sorry, but I dun like you.
I give you 3 out of 10 for effort
Stacy - No One (Alicia Keys)
Now we're talking! This babe is good! I dun care if Ogy said that she's copying Alicia Keys or whatever but this kind of song memang perlu movements like Stacy did. Dressing also kena dengan lagu. Good job, Stacy! *tepuk tangan kuat2*
Definitely 10 out of 10!
Faisal - Satu Kiblat Yang Sama (Rabbani)
Another sad, boring performance. This is a good song, quite easy in my opinion for someone yang 'pandai' berqasidah yet he still salah masuk rumah! Lain key lagu, lain key dia nyanyi. Berapa laaaama x korek telinga daa?
-5 out of 10 for you. HAHAHA!
Saida - Terlalu Cinta (Rossa)
Yeah, she's too stressed out coz people have high hopes on her (being Datuk Sitiwhateverblahblahblah's sister). Is that suppose to be the reason for a bad delivery? No freakin' way! Okay, she has the voice, but you've gotta be kidding me if you said that she's superb when it's obvious that she's NOT in this first concert. Not convincing enough...she's gotta try harder. What is she wearing, drapes from her sister's house? Too bad...
I'm giving her 2 out of 10
Stanly - You Raised Me Up (Josh Groban)
I waited for him cause people said that he's good..ye lah, bersuara tenor konon kan. And perform pun paling last (strategy ke?). As soon as he open his mouth to sing, my heart did........NOTHING. I didn't get any goosebumps at all. Not excited nor jumping like a monkey, but I yawn all through the song. I disagree when Ogy said his was the best performance. It's messy and full of shit. A tenor (as he claimed himself to be one), knows how to control his voice. A tenor will not mess up such a beautiful song. A tenor could amaze people with their powerful voice. It's obvious that he failed to do so. I don't ever consider him as tenor judging from this concert's performance, unless he did something to prove me wrong. Wey, your coat (or tux) is quite large for you la Stanly...go kill your Image Consultant (you know who).For Stanly, it's 3 out of 10 for your effort.
Then came the elimination. I'm really happy when Ika, Lufya and Yana has the lowest vote. I was practically did a little joy dance cause I thought they're out. Cuma Yana yg betul2 tersingkir..ooh..what a waste! Ika and Lufya should've joined her (especially Ika 'The Idiot'). But if that's how they wanna run the show, I leave it at that.
Overall aku rasa konsert kali ni membosankan. More yawn than clap from our side. Oh well, hopefully (not so much, actually) next week punya concert will be better.
I think, Sarimah will do a good job hosting concert instead of AC, dont u think?
Toodles peeps!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Farewell, Dear Sista...
Sambil tu sempat lagi breakfast sementara menunggu bas sampai.
Just after kami habis makan, sudah kena announce masa untuk berangkat. Laaa...baru jam 715am. Tadi cakap jam 8 pagi baru jalan...tsk tsk tsk...anyway, puas la aku menengok drama telenovela..ramai parents yang nangis2 time tu. Ku toleh kiri, nangis..toleh kanan, nangis..toleh belakang....meraung lah pulok! Hehehe...sian, x penah berpisah agaknya yer?
We all salam2 and hug2 dah la..taknak terlalu emo kang berat pula ati nak berpisah. So we said our goodbyes and nasihat sikit2, then we left. Hantar mummy balik rumah & Ajib to his Tadika then straight to office.
Emm..I wanna wish 'Selamat Pengantin Baru' to my neighbour, Charisma Azzleykha Ozzey bte Khalid & her fiance Mohd Faizal bin Awang Yang baru bernikah tadi pagi. Alhamdulillah, after beating the odds in their relationship akhirnya dah halal. Congrats once again! We're invited to the bersanding thingy this Sunday..which reminds me I practically have nothing to wear! Shiz..gotta start digging my closet and hope to find something nice *mentally crossing my finger*
Toodles peeps, c ya in another post...TataTitiTutu!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Keparat Punya Manusia!!!
Long time no posting because computer aku masuk hospital. X banyak yang nak di update sebab I'm quite relaxed beberapa hari lalu. Went swimming with adik2 and cousins aku last Saturday, my aunties visit us last Sunday (I ended up jadi chef for them..siap bikin routee and dhal lagi..chisss).
Hari Sabtu lalu, cuma aku and the other girl (let's call her N) saja yang kerja. One staff on leave, both bosses x masuk. So happens yang kerja pun x banyak, we managed to finish our routine tasks within one hour. Sambil tunggu masa pulang, kami pun sembang la pasal kisah dulu2. I told her that I've got a very bad temper yang sangat susah di kontrol. Then we talked about our love life. We all knew that her BF is abusive but we never asked her nor intended to menyibuk about her private life. Suddenly N mengadu about her BF being so abusive - verbally and physically. Macam2 dia cerita kat aku...sampai naik geram aku mendengar.
I advised her to leave the guy straight away if she could before it's too late. However, aku cuma boleh nasihatkan saja. Selebihnya terpulang pada yang punya badan. Aku takde hak nak campur tangan. Kalau dia ikut nasihat aku, Alhamdulillah. Kalau tak, aku doakan dia selamat dunia akhirat.
Anyways, my grandma and grandpapa came on Sunday evening, overnite at home coz grandma has to go to hospital on Monday for her medical check up. Everything was fine until I've got a phone call at 0130a.m. One fuckin' call that makes my mood crashed to its baddest, foulest, darkest side. N's BF called me malam2 buta, katanya nak jumpa aku on Monday. Aku pelik la, apasal pulak dia nak jumpa aku? Aku tanya baik2 kenapa, alih2 dia cakap 'kau bawa la abang kau ka, adik kau ka, satu keluarga kau ka..aku mau jumpa kau' I asked again, kali ni kasar sikit sebab aku geram sangat 'Kau mau tau kenapa? Kenapa kau kasi buruk2 aku depan si N? Kau tau apa aku buat sama dia sekarang? Aku tampar-tampar si N sekarang kau tau?'. At this point aku trus cakap 'Ok kau datang la, ko pikir aku takut? X payah aku bawa family, aku jumpa kau one to one' then he said 'Ko jangan banyak cakap, kita jumpa bisuk' and hung up.
WTF??? Punya sial! Dasar jantan pengecut. Dia hengat aku takut? Aku x salah, nak takut apa? All I did is just giving N a piece of advice. Bila masa pula aku buruk2kan si keparat tu? FYI, aku pernah jumpa this keparat 2 kali yer, y'all. And both times aku tengok dressing dia cam druggies...selekeh nak mampos! Muka pun muka bantal (baru bangun tido nyer muka). Hari tu aku & N pegi buka account di HLB (for bank-in gaji) pun dia ikut sekali dengan baju lusuh, sluar pendek, rambut serabai...siap pakai selipar jepun lagi...hish, x senonoh langsung. Kalau di bandingkan with N yang sentiasa dressing, memang jauh mcm Pluto & bumi. Memang dasar 'reject item' lah kiranya si keparat tuh. Hanjeng kurap pun hilang selera klu tengok muka dia (yang serupa permukaan bulan itew...). AND korang tau tak, yesterday aku dah prepare nak jumpa si haram jadah tu tapi jangankan batang hidung, bulu hidung dia pun yilek. Huh, dasar pengecut! Piiiiiiiiiiirah! Cakap besar, nak warning2 aku konon! I swear to GOD, kalau aku jumpa dia yesterday, memang siap aku kerjakan. Ptuih! Hanjeng!
I really wonder kenapa orang yang di abuse masih tetap bertahan with the abuser? Most of the time, jawapannya skema jer..asyik2 cakap 'masih sayang' or 'dah sayang sangat'. I say, BULLSHIT! Bodoh la korang yang fikir cam tu. C'mon, guna otak tu sikit...badan dah lunyai macam punching bag, ko masih cakap sayang? Please, ladies! Love yourself...dont be a stupid cow! You still have your brain, why dont you use it?
Orang yang abusive ni sebenarnya orang yang PENGECUT! Di ulang, PENGECUT! They feel insecure most of the time, very manipulative, pakar psycho fikiran orang, always twisting fact, suka menyalahkan orang, bermuka-muka, tunjuk baik (padahal perangai macam tai babi) and the most dangerous aspect dalam diri org yang macam ni is pandai memujuk. Everytime they made a mistake, drg akan sedaya upaya memujuk, mintak maaf bagai...worst case scenario is kalau drg x dapat pujuk is ugut nak bunuh diri. So I suggest to you ladies out there yang mengalami this kind of situation:-
1. Leave ASAP
2. Kalau dia pujuk, buat pekak je
3. Disconnect all communications with him. Tukar sim card, phone rumah. Kalau boleh tukar tempat kerja..lagi jauh dari dia lagi bagus.
4. Enroll to self-defense & motivational class. It really helps to enhance your self-esteem.
5. Kalau dia ugut nak bunuh diri, biar la dia. Lebih baik kalau dia mati. Tak menyusahkan korang. Please bear in mind that you are NOT to be blamed if he committed suicide sebab it's his own decision. No one force him to kill himself anyway so pedulik hapa sama dia. Kalau dia ada akal, he wont do such thing. But remember to lodge a report IF dia ugut nak bunuh diri supaya you wont be accused of being responsible later.
6. Kalau dia maih kacau korang, apa lagi, report polis la. Kalau boleh, dapatkan restraining order dari mahkamah.
**Merely suggestion okay. Kang akak juger yang di tuduh memprovokasi the devil inside you..makin banyak BF2 org yang akan calling2 di pagi buta......hiks!
You must've tought that I speak through experience, right? Truth is, I've never been abused and GOD forbid me from being abused. Actually, ramai kawan & sedara mara aku yg ada relationship with abusive partner so sedikit sebanyak aku faham mcm mana personality org yg suka mendera ni. Jangan salah sangka terhadapku okay!
I know..mesti ramai yang mencebik and said that 'talk is cheap...tak kena lagi mana tau rasanya' kan? Well, I'm not that stupid my fren...I know the sign too well to get involved with that kind of relationship. Thank GOD aku selalu dapat mengelak before it's too late. That's why aku nak urge my fellow ladies to be aware and alert of orang2 yang kaki dera ni. Belum jadi bini dah di pukul karate bagai. Dah jadi bini nanti nak kencing pun kena mintak izin..apa kes? Ko nak jadi hamba, asyik kena balun seumur hidup? Think about it....
Sorry for my harsh word but don't expect me to be sorry for harsh words I used against the keparat. He so deserve it. Period.
Till next post, TataTitiTutu.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
So Stoopid!
[12:13:14 PM] CekediS says: munyit
[12:13:14 PM] CekediS says: oi
[12:13:20 PM] CekediS says: mana ko taru hp ko
[12:13:25 PM] CekediS says: drg col sdh ko tu
[12:13:35 PM] Hazelene says: alamak hp aku tinggal d rumah!
[12:13:39 PM] Hazelene says: mati laaaaaa
[12:13:40 PM] CekediS says: kena comment sdh
[12:13:47 PM] Hazelene says: astaga matai aku
[12:13:55 PM] CekediS says: tula ko
[12:13:57 PM] CekediS says: ba mcmna ni
[12:14:03 PM] Hazelene says: abis la
[12:14:04 PM] CekediS says: ko col kuzen sia la
[12:14:07 PM] CekediS says: c leona
[12:14:11 PM] Hazelene says: ba apa numbur dia
[12:14:19 PM] Hazelene says: aku kol trus
[12:14:23 PM] CekediS says: 24****
[12:14:28 PM] CekediS says: bising kuzen sia td
[12:14:33 PM] CekediS says: dia col sia ni
[12:17:14 PM] Hazelene says: okay aku kol dia
12:17:28 PM] Hazelene says: suda sia cakap sma kuzen ko tu
[12:17:30 PM] CekediS says: apa dia ckp
[12:17:38 PM] Hazelene says: nanti drg kol sini ofis
[12:17:46 PM] CekediS says: hahahahha
~CekediS : Ma Fren
~Hazelene: aku la!
Of all days, aku tertinggal HP aku hari ni...
Of all days, my 'future' office have to call my HP today...
Of all days I left my hp at home, today I felt super stupid! They called me to arrange for an interview, but I left my phone at home (how brilliant is that?). I never thought they'll call this early (I've just sent my resume yesterday FGS!). Sudahnya, aku bagi number office aku and just wait and pray that they'll give me a second chance. I mean, aku dah kasi impression yang tak berapa 'kaw-kaw' kat diorang by leaving my freakin' phone at home, so harap diorang bagi peluang lagi. If they didn't call me after lunch, I'll call them supaya drg tau aku betul2 nak kerja tu. No funny business.
Gosh, I wanna bang my head hard against the wall!
Please pray for me everyone; mom, friends, silent readers, fellow bloggers...please pray for me! I need it real bad!
Only Allah could repay your kindness, and if I got the job, I'll pray real hard for you guys too!
Till nest post, TataTitiTutu!
*Moral of the story: Jangan tinggal HP kat rumah...kang menyesal!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I've Sent My Resume...
I've sent my resume and application just a few minutes ago. Now I'm just praying....
Aku harap aku dapat...it's really the kind of job yang aku patut buat.
Not that my current boss is a pig, he's nice but...I guess it's not wrong if I wanna try something out of my comfort zone kan? I mean, something yang aku memang idam idamkan. besides, gaji meletup what, sungguh meletup I tell you!
Oh well...just wait and see. Klu dapat, pindah lagi..hehe..
Mom, loyal reader, fellow bloggers, friends, pls pray for my success...
Till next post, TataTitiTutu
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
What Should I Do?
Too many thing I need to settle at once without 'not so many' assistance..double suck!
Thank God for my brain and ability!
By the way, I've been offered a new job with an interesting pay unexpectedly...and it's simply what I wanted all along....
Hmm....it's got me thinking...
What should I do?
Oh well, let me sleep on it.
Till next post, TataTitiTutu!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
More Pics...
Puan Seri Diana Diego with Nek Anju and Nek Diah - Malam Berinai (25/10/08)
Big Family Picture - Majlis Bersanding (27/01/08)
Uncles and cousins - Malam Berinai (25/01/08)
Shirley & Aunty Mahani - Majlis Bersanding (27/01/08)
The 'Poco-Poco' Dance (that's me in the middle!) - Majlis Bersanding (27/01/08)
Mom doing the 'Tepung Tawar' thingy... - Majlis Bersanding (27/01/08)
We're doing the 'Sumazau', a traditional dance of Kadazan ethnic in Sabah..tapi semua buka kasut sebab sakit kaki sudah.. (Majlis Bersanding (27/01/08)
Maspul, Bro Ajui & Cousin Wan - Majlis Bersanding (27/01/08)
*Relieved Sigh* Finally habis juga aku upload my uncle's wedding pics. Actually banyak gambar but as I say, aku cuma ambik yang aku rasa menarik aje. Yang lain tu..emmm..tau sama tau je la ye..maklum la, photographer amatur gitu (Sorry Cousin Ilul, I'm only telling the truth).
Penat aku. I was trapped at the bank for 4 freakin' hours this morning! It's draining my energy, really!
Tell ya 'bout it later.
Till next post, TataTitiTutu!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Jangan complaint pasal susun atur gambar ni ye, aku malas mau arrange ikut urutan so just deal with it:-
Pakcik Ahman giving instructions to the Dayangs...from left: Seyra, Finaz, Eyra & Teha - Majlis Bersanding (27/01/08)
My bro, Azman 'The Bestman', The Groom, The Bride & my cousin Nana 'The Maid of Honor' - Majlis Bersanding (27/01/08)
Aunty Suhani jadi emcee petang tu.... - Majlis Bersanding (27/01/08)
Dari kiri: Eyra, Seyra, Teha, Ija, tak kenal & Nana - Malam Berinai (25/01/08). Woi, sepa yang ambik gambar ni aah? X terror langsung!
Aunty Sanah & bro Azrin berduet 'Sandarkan Pada Kenangan'. Apa ni, tiada lagu lain ka? - Malam Berinai (25/01/08)
The Pelamin...3 hours before Reception - 27/01/08
The Heavenly, Sinfully Delicious Cake! - Majlis Bersanding (27/01/08)
Paci Jani a.k.a The Groom - nervous before turun bersanding - Majlis Bersanding (27/01/08)
Happy faces of The Bride & Groom - Majlis Bertandang (26/01/08)
Sis Ija nyanyi..aisey, lupa tajuk lagu dia! - Malam Berinai (25/01/08)
Bro Azman - Malam Berinai 25/01/08
Aunty Roe - Malam Berinai (25/01/08)
Bubu Alus & Husband -Malam Berinai (25/01/08)
Aunty Kamalia & Uncle Encho - Malam Berinai (25/01/08)
My Grannies - Mamuk & Nek Ani (me & Baby Liya enterframe jadi background) - Eve of Malam Berinai (24/01/08)
'Madu Tiga' (my Babaji punya ex-wives and widow) from left: Mamuda (2nd ex), Nek Ani (3rd & widow) & Mamuk (1st ex). Next tu Mamuk is my cousin, Abang Wan Embung..bulan Mai ni dia punya majlis pula di Tenom. Selamat Pengantin Baru in advance ye... - Nikah Day (25/01/08)
End of part one...more to come...sekarang aku tak larat so...
Till next post, TataTitiTutu!