Kuku-Ku (bukan kuku kaki kakak ku yer~) di selaputi bintang courtesy of Erica.
Pose perasan tahap Unicorn..
Me & my short hair. U like? I liiiiiikkkkeeeee....
Actually kemarin aku busy juga tp x terlalu busy. Lg pun agent d UK cuti..public holiday sempena...entah aku pun x tau kenapa drg cuti. So klu they all cuti we all pun relax sikit.
Aku tersangat la geram at my previous employee! U wanna know y? Let me story you k. Cam ni cerita dia, last week (Wednesday) I called the boss to inquire about my salary. He said ok, he will pay according to numbers of my working days at MRAC before I joined KKT. Fair enough la kan..aku x complaint banyak. He asked me to call him again on Friday, so I did. This time, he said he'll ask his wife to prepare the cheque, then he'll call me back. Obviously, he didn't call me back so I call the officwe and speak to his wife, saja tanya if the boss ada bagitau dia anything about my salary. She said no. At the very moment aku rasa betul2 hangin...so I said 'That's ok. I'll talk to your bloody husband on Monday' and hung up.
I called the boss again yesterday, asking him about my pay in a nicest way possible. Kali ni dia cakap ambil cheque jam 3 petang. Okay, I'm quite happy. Then after 3, aku call MRAC office lagi just to make sure yang cheque tu ada so aku cuma ambil and chow saja. But guess what? The dtaff told me boss x masuk office since morning! Haiyo~ Apa ke jadah dia suruh aku p office dia ambil cheque sedangkan he's not there..and if he's not there that means no one signed the cheque. Ikutkan hati aku yang panas mau saja aku maki hamun. Ntah kenapa angin aku ok jer kemarin, aku decide aku akan kol lagi the next day (ari ni la ba tu).
Just 10 minutes ago aku call the boss. Told him that I've got fed-up with excuses...and told him that I have rent and loans to pay (which is still unpaid due to this fucked up salary thing). He said ambil duit jam 2 d office. Kali ni memang aku akan pigi sana terus. I'll wait for him. Klu x juga, siap la. memang aku amuk 1 office ni. My passion is wearing really, really thin right now, so expect the worst thing you can imagine kalau aku sudah mengamuk.
It's not like I owe him something that he keep on delaying my payment. I have no HUTANG against the company so why must they keep MY MONEY? mampus la kali ni klu drg x bayar juga, they will see the other side of me that they could never forget.
It's a promise. They'll be sorry.
Statement ke-ALONG-an sungguh kan? Well, klu u guys were in my position, what will you do? Mustahil korang diam2 siput kan?
1150 am. 2hrs 10 minutes to go before I launch my war. Now, where's my sniper?
1 comment:
cantiknyaaa~!! i like the nail polish!! ada star2 lagi.. :P
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