Friday, June 29, 2007

Confirm or Not?


Yesterday I was told that I might be going to Johore Bahru next week (5 July to 9 July), to represent my company in Cuti Cuti Malaysia Travel Fair at JB City Square. I'm quite excited, since this is my first visit to JB (even if I know I'm not going for a shopping spree - too bad). Up to now, I'm still not sure if it's a sure thing or not sebab they will look at the budget first. However, I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I called Lydia (exotic adventure), asking if she goes to Johore. If she goes, I could save on cabbing & hotel cost (share cab & room, to be exact). Good news and bad news - good news: she's going, bad news: she's sharing her room with someone else. "Kau lambat la moi, tu la kau tia kol sia awal-awal..." she said. Oh well...maybe next time.

Anyways, life is pretty boring these few days. Maklum lah belum gaji lagi. Besides, I'm still single, most my friends are married so it's quite difficult to hang out like we used to some times ago. *sigh*, how I missed them so so so so so much! Received a call from Lai yesterday. She wants to take me out today but I can't make it - I'm working. Told her we'll go out next week instead on my off day. We'll work it out later.

Remember my dream guy? Not the list as in my previous post, but the guy that I laid my eyes on. From now on, I'll call him Tea. Dont ask me why, I just felt like calling him Tea. Last nite I saw Tea talking with a girl. Not the kind of talk you can call intimate, but still makes me wonder if they're in a relationship. I felt a sudden discomfort when I saw them together. Am I jealous? Well, maybe a little bit cause I wish Tea could talk to me like he did with that girl (huhuhuhuuu..). Wargh! I hate this! Why can't I think straight if he's around? I mus'nt weaken, I must'nt weaken, I must'nt weaken...oh God, he just passed by, flashing his killer smile at me! Is this a coincidence or what? Suwey! So much for chanting. :P

I guess I have to stop right here. I need to recover for a while. By the way, wish me luck for my JB trip. Who knows if Mr Right is waiting for me. Shit, there he is again! I'm lost! Disoriented! Gotta go calm myself! Till next post, TataTitiTutu


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Azz, thank you for reading my blog page.

nak dtg s'pore ..? well you will not like it at Shafina bços today is the last working day for our favourite cook Sha.. :(

i have add you to my blog links... ;)

but still u can enjoy many other places like Arab street -- read --this try, Nasi Pariaman at Kandahar street k.. my best recommendation.