I've lost my microscopic screw somewhere, so please forgive me if it's a mess...
Monday, April 28, 2008
Stories & Tags
Ok so you guys knew that I went for a fam trip at Garama River Beaufort...in search of Proboscis Monkey katanya. Heh..malas aku update pasal Garama Trip. Nothing new, balik2 muka monyet yang aku nampak. Boringggg!!!
Anyways, aku tag diri aku sendiri with questions as below (di copy paste from other ppl's blog):-
8 things I'm passionate about:
1. Cosmetics (make up)
2. Shoes
3. Nescafe Ping
4. Coca Cola
5. Books by Jill Mansell
6. Eucalyptus Oil
7. Washing my hair every morning
8. Mah Jong Garden Game (computer game ler)
8 things I say often:
1. Hiyerrrrr!!!!!
2. D mana mo tapau/makan?
3. Kimak! (yeah, I swear a lot..so what?)
4. Buduh
5. Sukati ko la Labi..
6. Mana sudah handphone sia aah?
7. Jangan macam-macam sama saya
8. Kpala hotak ko la bejambul sana
8 books I've read:
1. Miranda's Big Mistake
2. Millie's Fling
3. Kiss
4. Staying At Daisy's
5. Perfect Timing
6. Head Over Heels
7. Diamond In A Ruff
8. 31 Dream Street
*Book 1 to 6 all by Jill Mansell. Highly recommended if you're into romantic comedy kind of thing..like me!
8 things to do before I die:
1. To get married
2. Have children
3. Buy a house
4. Have a successful business
5. Send my mom to Haj
6. To perform Haj
7. Khatam Quran
8. Insaf and sempat mengucap 2 kalimah syahadah
8 songs i could listen to over & over again:
1. This Is Our Song - Code Red
2. Gone - 'NSYNC
3. Crazy - Javier
4. Love Stoned - Justin Timberlake
5. No Me Ames - Marc Anthony & J.Lo
6. My Baby You - Marc Anthony
7. I Need To Know - Marc Anthony
8. Tinggalkan Aku - Anuar Zain
8 things I learn in the last year:
1. Never trust anyone 100% (bukan lagi last year, bertahun2 suda aku pigang this prinsip)
2. The existence of Face Book & Blog
3. I look good in Red clothes :)
4. Cara-cara menguli roti pakistan yang umph, power and super duper lembut
5. How to make my nescafe ping more lemak berkrim (dan disukai oleh diriku sendiri)
6. That Ajib was born genius
7. That I am still pretty despite of my overweight problem (cheaaaa...)
8. That Jacqueline Thien Li Tshung is an Ultimate Superior Mother of All Bitches in the Whole Wide World
Take notice on the no 8 ya..penting tu!
Now I wanna tag...RaraDinzly, Ratu Syura & Etavasi
Happy tagging!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Holiday ker?
Since aku kerja d tempat baru ni kan, macam xda masa suda mo posting banyak2. Sentiasa busy and ada saja yg mo d buat...BEST!
Tomorrow aku kena suruh p Garama lagi..tinguk munyit Bayau tu, ikut group si Wan.
Yg boringnya aku pigi sama GM yang suda tua bangka tu..huhuhu...malas nya beta! Ikut hati x kuasa aku tapi sudah disuruh boss kan ikut sajalah...sigh~. Kitai si Wan, patut dia pun ikut tapi pandai dia kasi excuse. Boss pun akur. CILAKAK!
I dunno why kan, semenjak dua menjak ni mataku buruk sungguh! Belum sampai jam 2230 aku sudah mengantuk. Mataku yang jelita ini mesti rasa x mampu untuk di buka lama2. Pasal tu la aku termiss cerita Desperate Housewives last Tuesday, damn it! Yang Wednesday pun hampir2 aku termiss CSI, seb baik aku paksa juga sampai berair mata menahan ngantuk ni.
Lupa pula aku bagi tau. Aku reunited balik sama si Wan and Alex - my old colleague from PB office dulu. Siok eh, jadi balik persatuan 'geng asap'..har har har! Oyeh, oyeh!
I guess ini ja dulu for today. Bisuk aku post lagi b4 pigi Garama sama di tua bangka itew...oh tidakzzzz!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Updates On The Black Out
Apparently the biggest power outage in Sabah yesterday was caused by a collapsed of a high-tension pylon or tower in Inanam. The tower collapsed after about 20 pieces of its supporting bar were removed or stolen by scrap metal thieves. Coincidence pula that tower surrounded by hills and illegal immigrants punya squatters *thinking hard*
Pukitai punya pencuri! Dia punya pasal habis satu KK bergelap! And because of that stupid airhead, I was attacked by bapak gajah punya mosquitos sampai x dapat tidur di buatnya. Tangkap itu pencuri lekas! Sia mau balas DENDAM!!!!
BLACK OUT & Nenek Ku
Ada black out besar-besaran di sekitar kawasan KK. Area my house pun affected juga. Punyalah aku x senang duduk! Dah aku paling x tahan panas, malam pulak blackoutnya. Sah2 aku x tidur until the electricity has restored. Yang paling aku menyampah tu, nyamuk banyak nak mampos! Besau gajah pulak tu. Harus la aku bersilat muay thai segala menghalau nyamuk..hish!
Jam 12 lebih kurang baru electricity hidup kembali..huhuhu..girang hatiku!
Siang harinya aku kasi kawan Mamijilin & Su Gong pi SMC. Su Gong punya kidney ada something di dalam and bengkak sikit..after dia jatuh basikal khamis last week so kena scan and buat blood test. Agaknya tadi sudah dapat result and I hope result dia x mengerikan....choy!
Grandma still at home, next Sunday baru dia balik kampung. I know she missed kampung so much sebab balik2 dia cakap mau balik kampung. However, she has to stay sebab senang nak bawa gi klinik or hospital for her check ups. Kalo di kampung jauh tu nak ulang alik. Sekali sekala okay la kot.
I know, jaga orang tua ni bukannya senang. Especially in my grandma's case. Dia belum lagi tahap senile la tapi oleh kerana she's a very very very fussy person, I think u get the picture already lah kan so x payah aku xplain panjang bermeter-meter. Hati mau tahan juga sama ini orang tua punya perangai (slang Tamil Paddayappa..)
Honestly, memang sangat mencabar kesabaran. Tapi aku fikir balik kan, ini baru seciput susah. Dulu dia beranakkan mama aku, jaga sampai besar walaupun susah giler then sampai mama aku kawin and kami pun berkeluaran semua..huish, x terbalas jasa dia tu sampai mati..sob..sob..huhuhu.. (aiks, emo lak!)
So I guess this is the time for us to step up and help her with whatever we can or whenever we can. No matter how hard it is ini dah jadi tanggung jawab kami.
Dah la untuk hari ni. Esok2 sambung lagi.
Rasanya xda story lah.
Sebab kepala ku bengong! Wakakakkakaa!!!!
Jangan marah yer... *muaks*
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
FYI, ari ni is my 1st day d ofis baru. Kena banyaaaaak belajar. Nvm, nanti aku update.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Ku Menanggung Derita...
in 15 minutes time I'm off for an interview. Aku main redah je bagitau boss tadi aku nak kuar. Aku x dulik...macam mana pun aku nak pegi jugak interview tu. I WANNA GET OUR OF HERE and I think that today is my big chance.
Adus...sakitnya joint ku ini!
I've Been Tagged...
1. What does true love mean to you?
~ Loving one another unconditionally
2. How do you know you’re really in love?
~ I started to open up more about my feelings
3. How many times in your life have you fallen in love?
~ 3 or 4
4. Have you ever fallen out of true love because you were mad at the moment?
~ Once...and it's for a very stupid reason.
5. Do you feel love and physical attraction are the same thing?
~ Absolutely not. Love came from your heart and physical attraction came from lust (I think la)
6. If your true love became ill or disfigured would you continue to love them the same way?
~ Honestly, if he's already my husband then I'll stick with him. But if he's not, only time can tell.
7. Should anyone else be able to tell you who to love or not love?
~ They're entitled to their own opinion, however, I won't let them rule my love life.
8. Do you believe people that ended up divorced were ever truly in love?
~ For some people maybe.
9. Would you give up something you want for someone you love?
~ It really depends on what that 'something' is.
10. If you truly love someone do you feel it should be unconditional?
~ YES!
As usual (doh~) siapa yang suka dan girang hati ingin menjawab the questions above silakan copy and paste.
Oh, do visit Ratu Syura's other blog here and here
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Interview & Stupid, Nosy People
Anyways, as usual aku mintak sangat korang tolong doakan aku supaya interview kali ni success. Aku dah x tahan sangat2 kerja kat tempat ni. In fact,
Aku nak crita pasal sorang pompuan yg keja kat sini. Dia punya specialty is menyibuk hal orang.
Aku rasa sangat x selesa buat kerja sebab dia selalu lalu kat belakang meja aku, pura2 nak ambik file or something tapi sebenarnya dia nak tengok apa aku buat. Konon2 nak spy la...then dia bole report kat boss. Silap orang ko spy beb. Aku pedulik hapa. Makin ko lalu lalang, makin aku kasi ko 'panas'. Jangan sesekali biar HP tinggal kat office, habis sms orang semua dia nak baca. Baru tadi dia kena sound oleh one of our staff sebab she was caught red handed trying to buka sms orang. Seb baik HP org tu ada unlock code. Dah kena sound tu pun dia bole buat muka toya jer. Chis..macam sial!
Dah la buat kerja lembab, simple instruction pun x faham. Anything goes wrong dia suka lepas tangan, humban kesalahan kat orang lain. Kesian budak accounts tu selalu jadi mangsa. Si penyibuk ni actually office assistant sajork, tapi berlagak mengalahkan boss. Ada hati dia tegur aku sebab aku selalu lambat (oops! matik la pecah lobang!). Halo? X payah tegur aku klu ko sendiri lambat..kadang lebih lambat dari aku lagi. Aku lambat tapi aku tak pernah ABSENT tanpa sebab, klu pun aku x masuk ofis aku bagi tau. Yang kau, asyik MIA je ape ke hal? Cermin diri sendiri okay! Kalo ko xde cermin kang aku angkut cermin tandas kat rumah so you could see you face yang oily dan macam permukaan bulan itew, boleh?
Korang heran ek kenapa boss x buang pekerja macam tu? Aku rasa kalau boss lain dah lama dia di tendang hingga ke 'fadang fasir' lah. Tapi, memandangkan dia ni sedara kepada boss, ke'possible'an untuk dia di kick out adalah tipis sekali.
So..aku rasa it's time for me to carik kerja lain sebelum aku gila.
Jangan lupa doakan kejayaan beta..ok!
Kepada yang mendoakan, Allah saja yg dapat balas jasa korang. Aku doakan yang terbaik untuk korang.
Kepada yang tak mendoakan...aku tetap doakan yang baik untuk korang
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Soalan Laaagi...
35 Things About Me
1. Rate your life from 1-10 (1 being very miserable)
2. Is your hair long or short?
In between long and short (and wavy too!)
3. Do you have many real friends?
I have a few...
4. Name friends you last hung out with?
Yuyu & Sylvia
5. Do you love chicken?
6. Last three drinks you had?
Water, Nestum & Nescafe Ping
7. Do you eat fish?
I do! Especially masak sambal pedas kaw2 lagi..fuh! Malatops!
8. Do people mispronounce or spell your name incorrectly?
9. Who was the last person you hugged?
10. Last guy you think about?
Err...errr..next question please!
11. Any food that made you smile today?
I haven't had any food since morning...honestly!
12. Name one thing you have in common with your friends?
Our fashion sense and horrible jokes
13. Do you trust your friends?
I never trust anyone with 100% rate. Maybe 60% or 70%. What? I'm just being honest...
14. How old will you be in five years?
35 and still kicking!
15. Do you believe in love?
Of course I do.
16. Except for family and friends, who are you in love with?
Right now? Ako Mustapha *blush*
17. Do you honestly believe you have found the right guy/girl?
No I haven't.
18. Are you someone's best friend?
Proudly am.
19. Do you love music?
Yes. Especially Justin Timberlake's and Fergie's.
20. Last song you listened to?
Wake Up Call by Maroon 5
21. What's the instrument you wish you were able to play?
22. Who was the last person you talked to?
On the phone - Sabariah from EON Bank. In person - My boss's wife. IM - Wan Azlyna.
23. Who was the last person to call you?
Sabariah EON Bank.
24. Would you consider yourself a worrier?
Yes I would. I worry too much.
25. Do you consider yourself as a happy person?
Most of the time.
26. Do you believe in saving yourself for marriage?
Err...could be.
27. Last person that pissed you off?
My boss and his loyal dog (or bitch, watever..)
28. From whom have you missed the most calls in the last 5 days?
My mom.
29. Who's the first person you call when you're having a bad day?
Nur Shirin Abdullah @ Suhailin - my aunt & bestest friend.
30. Last person who made you laugh like crazy?
Lynette from Desperate Housewives
31. Who's your greatest inspiration in life?
Nigella Lawson, Kylie Kwong, Jamie Oliver, Oprah Winfrey
32. Are you a good guesser?
Yes...well, maybe lah.
33. Who was the last person to sing your current favorite song and what song?
Malay - Bunga Cintaku/Anuar Zain. English - My Baby You/Marc Anthony
34. Who makes you laugh the most?
35. What have you been telling yourself lately?
I need to loose a lot of weight!
Again, klu korang teringin menjawab benda alah ni silakan.

It’s your birthday, Mom,
So we will raise a cheer,
For without you, wondrous person,
We would not be here...
Yes, we owe it all to you, Mom,
From the time that we were small,
You encouraged us in everything,
And tried not to let us fall...
Throughout our lives your caring,
Brightened each and every minute.
You loved us and enriched our lives,
And we're so glad to have you in it!
Jawab Soalan...
1. Are you taller than your mom?
~Err..she's taller than me, actually.
2. What color is your shower curtain?
~ I don't have any. Bathroom gue xda bath tub jadi x perlu shower curtain.
3. What is the closest thing to you right now that is red?
~ Urm..my liquid paper.
4. What is your ringtone?
~ London Bridge by Fergie.
5. Does anything hurt on your body right now?
~ My neck *ouch*
6. What color is your favorite pillow?
~ Err...moccha latte?
7. What is your favorite video game?
~ Super Mario, Antartica & Circus (laugh la you all..peduli apa aku!)
8. Had a nap today?
~ No time for a nap la dahrlings...kerja maaa..
9. Gold or silver?
~ Definitely SILVER!
10. Is there an animal that creeps you out?
~ None so far.
11. Who was the last person you rode an elevator with?
~ Ija & Kak Leo
12. Did you go ice skating as a kid?
~ Never...takde menatang tu kat sini masa aku kecik dulu la wey...sian kan?
13. Ever have stitches?
~ Never.
14. Favorite non-alcoholic drink?
~ Nescafe Ping! And Coca Cola!
15. How long ago did you hug someone?
~ About 18 hours ago.
16. What’s something you want to do before you die?
~ For my sins to be forgiven and to be able to say the Kalimah Syahadah.
17. Have you ever caught something on fire?
~ Yeah. My house. 29 September 1992. 1150 a.m.
18. Have you ever seen a ghost?
~ Yes. 5 times.
19. Have you ever seen northern lights?
~ Apa benda tu?
20. Do you know how to use chop sticks?
~ Of course! I'm quarter Chinese bah!
21. Name something good that happened today.
~ It's my mom's birthday!
22. What room are you in?
~ Right now? My office ler, mana lagi.
23. Are you worried about something you can’t control?
~ Yes. My anger.
24. Do you take daily medications?
~ No.
25. Ever been in a fight?
~ Hah, countless!
26. Are you wearing nail polish?
~ Not right now.
27. What time is it?
~ According to my computer, it's 1352pm
28. Innie or outie?
~ Innie
29. Ever used a Ouija board?
~ Never.
30. Sweet or Sour?
~ Sweeeeeeeet!
31. Sun or Moon?
~ Moon - so peaceful.
32. Mint or Gum?
~ Gum with mint flavor.
33. Strawberry or Blueberry?
~ Blueberry.
34. American Idol or The Bachelor?
~ American idol.
35. Cookies or Chips?
36. Time of day you were born?
~ Maybe late afternoon.
37. Do you know your blood type?
~ Can't remember la...
38. Do you know how to kill a zombie?
~ Shoot it with a silver bullet, right?
39. Have you donated blood?
~ Yep. Twice.
40. What would you spend 5,000 dollars on right now if you were handed it?
~ Dollars? Coverted to RM = almost 15k....wow. I'll pay all debts, repair my car kasi cantik tip top punya and save a little in my account.
41. Name something annoying in public transit?
~ BO. Cannot tahan!
42. Which animal(s) remind you of yourself?
~ Lioness. Ferocious or what?
43. Whats your background on your pc?
~ SpongeBob SquarePants.
44. Did you grow up in the city or country?
~ City.
45. Would you ever consider going on a reality tv show if offered a large sum of money?
~ Only if they made me a winner.
46. Have you flown in your dreams?
~ Most of the time.
47. What’s one thing you’re really good at cooking?
~ My signature dish is Chicken Rice.
48. Kisses or hugs?
~ I love both.
49. You have 10 dollars to spend in the dollar store.. What do you get?
~ Coca Cola, Magazine, mint gum and Chipster. Oh, if there's a balance I will buy choki choki for my brother Ajib.
Saja buang masa. Sapa mau jawab sila copy and paste sesuka hati anda.
Monday, April 14, 2008
AF6 4th Concert
I will not give any points like I did before. I will only review their performance. Warning: Loads of harsh and ugly words will be used. Please bear with me or leave if you think I'm too much.
Faisal - Joget Bunga Melati
Much better than last week yang entah apa-apa punya performance. Aku suka facial expression dia yang ceria. I dont think he did badly this time. Memang masih pitchy and off tune sedikit sebanyak, however, he did improve a lil' bit. Still inconsistent in holding his notes, I reckon. Not bad..not bad...
Toi - Laukku Cukup Masin
Ketara he's struggling to memorize the lyric. Pastu muka dia panik sepanjang masa. Tune ke mana, breathing ke mana, tempo lari...~sigh~...apa ni Toi? Lembab semacam jer. He should (and could) interpret the song better. Banyak kelemauan dari kesiokan. WAKE UP AND BRING BACK THE PERFORMER IN YOU!!!!
Alif - Menghapus Jejakmu
Hadoi...seksa betul mendengar dia nyanyi lagu ni. Back to his kelembapan. Now..now..I don't care if dia dapat lagu ni baru 2 hari ka, 1 hari ka, he has to do it no matter what. That's the rules and he knew it. Aku ingatkan bila dah tukar lagu he could deliver dengan baik tapi...hampas kelapa! Huh, so frustrating! Argh!
Saida - Hati Kama
Another bloody waste of time! I disagree to people's (kalau ada) view yang cakap Saida nyanyi dengan baik kali ni. Hell NO! She screwed up BIG time! Buang masa bawa Noraniza as a so-called kejutan, konon bagi drg nyanyi berduet la katanya..tapi look at what Saida did? She sang secara syok sendiri. Sudah tau nafas x cukup main bantai juga. Hancus lagu dibuatnya. Chisss....
Stanly - Kasih Tercipta
I never put much hope on this fella. He's getting worse and worse every concert. Don't blame the song, blme thyself sebab delivery yang sungguh mengerikan. I hate it bila orang defend dia with her mom's condition as the primary reason yang menyebabkan his ill performance. NO! Don't try to blackmail people with this emotional attachment coz it's very-very annoying. Puhleaze..as if orang lain xda masalah..maybe bigger than his lagi. So stop this circus and get serious la wey!
Macam x bermaya Mama Rina malam ni. Betul ka lutut dia kena skru? Heh, ntah la kan, banyak betul drama in AF6. Anyway, I don't feel Mama Rina punya performance exciting..sedangkan this song sepatutnya menaikkan reputasi beliau. I'm quite dissapointed sebab aku tau she could do better. Tsk..tsk..tsk..~heavy sigh~
Nadia - Mengapa Di Rindu
She shine, however not to clearly. Masih ada kekurangan dalam persembahan Nadia. Suara Nadia kurang sesuai menyanyikan lagu macam ni tapi dia masih memberikan yang termampu, and hasilnya tidaklah terlalu mengecewakan. And she still off key when it comes to the part of 'mengapa di kenang', 'mengapa di rindu', 'mengapa bersedih' and 'mengapa di nanti'. Well, at least she sailed through wlu pun bukan dengan 'flying colours'.
Nubhan - Cinta Hampa
Mula mula tu okay..tapi lepas gimik kasi bunga plastik to Ogy terus terlebih emosi sampai sumbengzzzzz....ish ish ish...terbahak aku ketawa...astagaaaaa!!! Lagi satu, suara Nubhan x menyerlah dengan lagu ni. It's odd, awful and entah la..susah mau explain. Pendek kata hampas kelapa lah persembahan dia. And the last pose...ya ampun! Lawak sungguh!
Riz - Marabahaya
Kudos to Riz walaupun it's not his best performance (I did tell you that I loathe this song sooo much I wanna murder pencipta and penyanyi dia..DAMN YOU!). Obviously breathing is one of his main problem, sama macam lagu Separuh Masa dulu. Tercungap-cungap ambik nafas. I'm sure he could do better kalau lebih banyak latihan cause this is not an easy song. You have to sing and rap and sing and rap from time to time so klu x cukup latihan memang nampak macam ikan emas tercampak dari akuarium.
Stacy - Cinta Khayalan
Okay. First of all, I don't like this song. Kedengaran macam lagu reject yang sudah di pass around and rejected again, finally di bagi kepada budak baru belajar yang tiada pilihan dan terpaksa terima saja apa yang di assignkan for her. Second, I salute Stacy for her effort and her voice. I say she did well walaupun not as good as Rela. Cuba bagi lagu ni kat pelajar lain, gerenti hancus, berderai, kebabow jadinya. Well done, Putet!
Finally, results keluar. Faisal tersingkir. Fine by me. Tiada beza dia ada atau tiada dalam AF6.
Aku x boleh tahan la. Let face the fact: AF is DULL, BORING and DEAD without Aznil. Seriously, ini lah kebenarannya. Okay memang aku x boleh bandingkan AC and Aznil tapi aku dah x boleh menafikan hakikat yang AF tengah nazak sekarang. Please bring the vibe back in AF!
Macam mana agaknya Konsert ke 5 nanti ek?
P/s Finally Jasmi Rejab used his brain by dressing the students quite nicely this time, kan? Perasan tak? Hiks!
Summary sajork!
Balik dari ofis, beli kandang baru for our rabbits - Mr Jones & Pikachu yang semakin montel. Then aku pi supermarket beli barang2 for Ajib's b'day cake and sedikit junk food for our picnic later. For his birthday cake, I made a double moist chocolate cake with chocolate glaze cream. Sodap! Ala, just a small picnic..bukan extravagant bagai pun. So, menu for that Saturday are fried rice, sandwich sardin, kuih ubi and air oren sajork. Kacang rebus, jagung, jambu jeruk and sayap ayam panggang beli di beach upon arrival. Gambar? Ada..tapi memandangkan aku x bawak kamera, maka terpaksa menggunakan kamera milik my cousin...so tunggu dia hantar kat aku baru boleh upload.
Malam xde kojer lain selain daripada mengadap TV tengok konsert AF6 minggu ke 4. Boring aah. Anyway layan jer sampai habis. After that kitorang bantai tido x hengat..zzzzzzz
Ari ni start awal, jam 0630 sudah bangun. Mami Jilin bawak pi Gaya Street. Sampai penat kaki aku round2..akhirnya terbeli juga sebiji buku 2nd hand. Harga murah, RM6 jer. Jalan lagi 2, 3 round, Ija decided to get a baby tortoise for Ajib as his b'day present. Perut lapar pulok so singgah ler di Daily Restaurant yang famous with their signature dish - Mee goreng kerang. Tapi aku makan mihun goreng udang which is equally delicious as well. Mom makan curry laksa (sedap but cair), Ija makan Wantan Hoe, Ajib makan fries sajork. Drg Granny, Mami Jilin and Chew Ling makan di kedai cina seberang jalan.
Lepas makan aku hantar Granny and Chew Ling pigi Sacred Heart Church for their Sunday Mass, pas tu straight home for us. Masak gitu gini, kemas rumah, freshen up..dalam jam 12 gitu jalan lagi. This time Ajib n mom x ikut..malas katanya so cuma me, Mami Jilin n Ija jalan. Ambik Granny and Chew Ling dari Church and head straight to City Mall.
We did our window shopping, Chew Ling bought a new pen drive. Stop kejap di Big Apple Doughnut before balik. Sampai rumah dah almost 1430..lunch pun belum tau sebab sibuk mencari pen drive and cover for mom's hp. Dengan kelaparan aku attack sup ayam, ikan sambal and sayur sawi dengan lahapnya. BTW, adik aku bawa pulang GF dia, si Fiza. Ini 2nd time dia datang rumah. Gelak habis dia nampak aku makan kelam kabut. Aah..pedulik hapa aku, orang lapar jangan di kacau! hehehe...
Siap makan, family aku layan cerita Azura pulak...heh, malas aku mau join. Sudahnya aku layan PS2 sampai mami jilin n family berangkat pulang.
Semalam juga aku cuci kain pakai tangan sebab washing machine rosak. Sial kan? Sekarang lenguh tangan aku.
Sekian saja summary week end aku untuk kali ini.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
He definitely brought back smiles and happiness that's been missing for so many years in our life. He mended fragile and distance hearts amongst us, making us closer than ever.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Cheering Myself Up
1. How late did you stay up last night and why?
~ 2335, watching Taste Take Off channel 703.
2. What was the first thing you thought when you got up?
~ Jeez....morning already?
3. Who were you with saturday night?
~ A lot, actually. My grandpa, grandma, mom, Aunt Jilin, Cousins, sibling....
4. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
~ Ahem, who knows?
5. When is the next time you'll see your best friends?
~ Probably tonight
6. What were you doing this morning at 7am?
~ Just woke up....
7. What radio station do you listen to the most?
~ Hitz.fm & Hot FM
8. What was the reason you last cried?
~ Arwah Baba (my dad)..I missed him so very much!
9. Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?
~ Oh...definitely!
10. What are you listening to?
~ Nothing. Just a sound of rustling of papers and colleagues talking in Bajau Language
11. Who were the last 2 people to text you?
~ Kak Beydah & Azrul
12. What's the fifth text in your inbox say?
~ Urm..a personal message that makes me smile *blush*
13. How many red lights have you ran?
~ Let's just say...uncounttable
14. What high school did you attend?
~ A normal kind, but I made it abnormal - hiks!
16. What were you doing at 11pm last night?
~ Watching TV (GOD, I need to get a life!)
17. Who was the last person you talked to last night before bed?
~ Myself...muahahhaha
18. Will you be driving in a year?
~ Hell yeah!
19. Is there anything that you are craving right now?
~ Yup! Yup! Yup! Roouti & Dhal Kari Kacang Hijau...nyum...nyum...
20. When did your last hug take place?
~ Last nite (me & Ajib)
21. Do people ever make stupid mistakes when spelling or saying your name?
~ AZLINDA is pretty straight forward and easy to spell, only a total dumb could misspell my name.
22. Have you ever started a sentence with "No offense, but..."?
~ To a very sensitive person, yes. Normally I just say what I wanna say. Easy peasy.
23. Do you drink tea?
~ I do. Especially if it's a cold tea mixed with loads of evaporated milk..yum!
24. Have you ever been arrested?
~ GOD nooooooooooo!!!
25. Have you rode in someone else's car today?
~ I will later
26. Have you made a mistake this past week?
~ Yes I did. Only a small one. I've rectified my mistakes pretty fast.
27. What are you listening to right now?
~ Refer question no. 10 + sounds of reconstruction next door.
28. Who was the last person you texted?
~ Azrul
29. Are you happy with your life right now?
~ Nope. Not at this state.
31. In the past 72 hours have you been under the influence?
~ Influence of my bloody mood, yes!
32. What was the last movie you saw?
~ At the cinema - Cuci. On TV - White Chicks
33. What do you need to be doing right now?
~ Go home and rest! Eat good food!
34. What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?
~ I bought his car
35. Who do you hate?
~ Whoever annoyed me at this very moment
36. What do you wear to bed?
~ Depends: If it's cold I'll wear a tank top and shorts. Otherwise, I'm comfortable with my own skin...hiks!
37. Has anyone got on your nerves lately?
~ HELL YEAH! I'm totally pissed just thinking of that person!
38. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
~Hopefully yes..but time will tell...
39. What were you doing at 6pm Friday night?
~ Still battling the traffic on my way home!
40. Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
~ Yes I do. My ex-neighbor at Fook Tin Villa
41. Why do you take surveys?
~ I took this one because I want to cheer myself up. And because I'm bored to death and feel like answering silly questions may calm me down.
Who ever wanna answer the questions above, feel free to do so.
I can't tell you exactly what happen..I just can't right now. It really hurts. Maybe later when I can think straight again.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
The Plans....
...is to have a picnic with my whole family after the audition
...is to eat my medicines on time in order to be healthy enough to accomplish the first two as above
I am currently :-
...Cannot wait to go home. I'm so tired!
...Blaming my medications for not working properly in my system
There you go..my ramblings of the day.
Tugasan Lagu Minggu ke 4
ALIF - Come Out And Play (The Offspring)
Hahahhah!!! Habis la ko!! Mesti ko tekanan this week.
**Alif diberikan lagu Peter Pan - Menghapus Jejakmu apabila didapati tidak mampu untuk membawakan lagu Offspring tersebut. Harap Maklum.
FAISAL - Joget Bunga Melati (Halil Chik)
Rasanya he could sing this song. Tapi kalau FAIL jugak..bye bye Faisal jawabnya.
NADIA - Mengapa Dirindu (Saloma)
The in-between situation is: a) She sailed through smoothly; b) Failed miserably. Abis, ko hengat senang nyanyi lagu ni?
NUBHAN - Cinta Hampa (D'Lloyd)
Aku memang x suka lagu ni. X berapa tau pun. Nubhan's gotta be back this week. This song boleh tackle makcik2 to undi Nubhan so he's got no choice but to do the best out of it.
RINA - Terbang Helang (Sharifah Aini)
I think she will impress us again this week.
RIZ - Marabahaya (Pop Shuvit)
Menci tau lagu ni! Everytime lagu ni main kat radio, mesti kepala aku pening. Harap Riz boleh maintain his quality and surprise us with his performance.
SAIDA - Hati Kama (Siti Nurhaliza/Noraniza Idris)
Another hard song yang memerlukan banyak latihan especially in breathing technic. Lagi pun lagu ni 2 orang nyanyi and at some part mmg susah kalau only one person nyanyi. I think Saida's will have some problem singing this song, but if she applies the right technic, she can do it fairly well.
STACY - Cinta Terhalang (Stacy - single baru)
No comment on the song. I hope Stacy pun maintain cemerlang..it's a big task and responsibility on her shoulder so pray that she could do it.
*Tajuk lagu Stacy ditukar kepada Cinta Khayalan. Harap Maklum.
STANLY - Kasih Tercipta (Faizal Tahir)
Tough for him. Need a lot of practice. Just don't murder the song, please!
TOI - Laukku Cukup Masin (Spider)
Catchy song. Sesuai for Toi. If he do well, he's save..
X mo cakap banyak...still sick. C ya next time.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
AF6 3rd Concert
Stacy - Pelesit Kota
A great opening! She's got the voice. Managed to maintain her energy throughout the song. Yes, it was a great preformance BUT I agree to the critics that she did not planned it well thus it's getting a little unorganized from the middle to the end. However, I like it very much!
9 out of 10. Bravo!
Faisal - Sentuhan Kecundang
Memang kecundang habis! First note saja sudah sumbengzzz and terus sumbang ke akhir lagu. What more can I say? It's TERRIBLE! Aaaarrrggghhhh!!!
Back to -10 out of 10. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Nadia - Total Eclipse of The Heart
I LIKE! I LIKE! I LIKE! Cuma dia kena betulkan diction lagi (same mcm last week, I dun like the way she pronounce 'ever'). But her performance was good, full of emotions and x over macam last week. Oh, kudos to Stanly (back-up singer) too! Ada terkucil sikit but ok ler <--this is for Stanly okay! This time, 10 out of 10 coz she deserves it.
Alif - Kamelia (or was it Kamalia?)
He managed to impress me with his vocal this week, but what's with the expression? Macam mengamuk ja aku tengok. This song ada banyak emotion di dalam, tapi dia pakai emosi marah pulak! Camno tu? He's gotta practice more on the emotion and expression thingy (calling Fauziah Nawi!)
I give you 7 out of 10 (minus 3 for kesalahan menggunakan emosi dalam lagu)
Lufya - Tika & Saat Ini
Ya Ampun! ! Astaga....WHAT DA HELL IS SHE WEARING!!!??? Gantung diri akak tau! Ramlah Ram pun reject that kind of baju bah! Punya bodoh si Jasmi Rejab ni. Macam aku mau personally slap him hard across his faggoty face. Bodoh bodoh bodoh dan 10000000000x bodoh punya so called Fashion Designer! Whoopsie, terlupa daratan kejap! Heheh..Ok about Lufya's performance...em...at least improved on the vocal tapi kedengaran macam dipaksa paksa. Emosi tu sesuai walaupun nampak stiff giler. Clearly she didn't took the chance to soar..tsk...tsk..
3 for out of 10. Banyak tolak markah becau of that stupid karung guni that she's wearing
Naim - Opera Hidup
Someone pass me the sick bucket, pronto! I wonder what qualifies him to be in the academy? He's totally doomed in this concert. I'd rather kiss a toilet bowl 100 times than listening to Naim singing Opera Hidup one more time. That should explain his performance this week, thank you very much. Yuck!
-10 out of 10...Boooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Stanly - Patahnya Sayap Malam
Hands down to Adlin! I agree with him. Hate the vocal, pitchy and screeching most of the time. High note x sampai. The only emotion yang jelas on his face during his performance is emosi terseksa. I kept praying for him to hurry up and end the torture to our ears so we could breath easy. Pendek kata, HAMPEH! And perlu ke jeritan di akhir lagu itu? Oh, tidaaaaaaaakzzz!
0 out of 10. Boooooo!
Saida - Sepi Sekuntum Mawar Merah
Absolutely Hate it! No improvement at all. Was she even trying? I dun think so.
I'm getting bored with her.
-1 out of 10. *snored*
Nubhan - Summer of 69
A very pitchy vocal, he practically slurring I can't understand what he's saying, obvious that he's not confident. Shaky, nervous wreck, very blur. GAGAL!
2 our of 10. Good thing he got rid of the ridiculous sunglasses. Otherwise aku bagi -5 tau!
Riz - Dari Sinar Mata
Wooohooooo!!! Thank you Riz! Aku cukup happy with his performance *clap clap clap*. Cukup energy, feel bagus, vocal pun bagus...and oh, nice job with the hair. More points given on that. Overall, he managed to bring me down to memory lane...zaman persekolahan ku yang best itu..heheh. Well done, me likey!
10 out of 10 *clap again*
Toi - C.I.N.T.A
Not what you can call an awesome performance but still, better than the others who failed to impress. Permulaan not very good but Toi dapat feel in the middle of his performance. It's obvious that his confident level is not at it's peak so performance dia pun stiff jugak. Anyway, he's gotta work on his vocal more if he wanna stay longer in Akademi.
3 out of 10 for effort
Rina - Enter the Sandman
No doubt yang Rina could perform very well. Energy level pun tinggi..kalah orang muda. Confident, berani and entertaining. Vocal wise I'm not too sure if I like hers, but sebagai orang muda aku salute habis Mama Rina! Well, I told ya that she's gonna hit it, ain't I?
9 out of 10. tolak markah sebab I dun really like her voice.
Overall aku rasa konsert kali ni x berapa best. AC pun mcm hilang idea..asyik jerit-jerit and buat lawak gelak sendiri. Haiyoo...you've got about 6 days before the concert. Buat research, homework or reherse more to sharpen your skill. Maybe AC pun nak kena masuk kelas pengacaraan tak? I also noticed sometimes dia masih terikut-ikut his AC Di Sini punya style. C'mon...loose it already! Dah masuk konsert ke 4 next week. Jangan sampai orang boring and x mau tengok AF sebab boring with the host. Kalau dah jadi cam tu, tak dapek den nak nolong...
One more thing, kenapa si Jasmi Rejab tu x di pecat terus on the spot that night? X malu ke gelar diri Fashion Designer a.k.a Image Consultant tapi look at Lufya's wardrobe for GOD sake! Begitu banyak baju dalam Astro punya wardrobe itu yang dia pilih untuk Lufya. Geram aku tau!
What say you, readers? Setuju tak with my review? Let me know, I promise I won't kill ya (sambil mengasah kapak karat yang di 'pow' dari Ketua Kampung Seberang)
Still Sick
I battled a massive headache over the weekend due to lack of sleep - thanks to my non stop coughing (well, it got worse cause I didn't pantang..minum air sejuk, mandi malam, smoke, etc..hehheh)
I still haven't pay my loan..matik la aku! *I'll pay this afternoon, I promise!*
Oh, Astro pun aku lum bayar...huhuhu...
My grandma kena operate yesterday. Thank God the operation is successful. Now she's recovering at our home.
I've sent Sis Eyra punya barang2 keperluan. Baju kurung 3 pasang, bantal busuk, makanan, shampoo, deodorant, sabun kain, coki coki, benang jarum segala through Poslaju...sekali timbang 5 kilo lebih! The charge? RM68.15 (huhuhuhu). Kopak aku!
*Sis Eyra is currently in Kem PLKN Jugra Banting, Selangor for her Khidmat Negara Training. She'll be back in June.
Most important news is...*drum rolls* Bro Azrin is the Winner of Meridien Idol 2008!!!
Meridien Idol ni actually is a singing competition between staffs of Le Meridien Hotel in KK. Ada audition jugak before masuk final (ko hengat suka ati jer masuk?). The final semalam was held at Rumba Meridien Club. Judges dia ada 4 orang: Adam - vocal trainer (bukan Adam AF tau, tapi Adam AF versi kertu..hiks), Clarice John Matta (yang fofuler di KK dengan lagu Adaa), I don't remember the other guy's name (Kerja di RTM dorang bilang) and another judge is someone called Norey..local singer di KK.
Every contestant are required to sing 2 songs; slow number and fast number. My bro nyanyi Keabadian Cinta and Aduh Saliha (better than Mawi...I mean it!). My cousin also joining tapi x menang. Padan jugak la sbb memang x best langsung. Harapkan gimmick ja lebih.
Baru kejap tadi Eliz IM aku. She told me yang adik aku jadi 'Hot Item' di Le Meridien sekarang..everybody's talking about him. Ada yang siap mau bawa adik aku date lagi...hehe...gilak!
But honestly, memang adik aku tu talented. Sampai ada agent dari Australia mau ambik dia jadi penyanyi under their agency. Cuma belum ada black & white lagi. Ramai org tanya why dia x masuk AF but the answer is simple - dia x minat masuk reality shows.
Speaking of AF, aku belum review lagi the 3rd concert kan? I'll do it in my nest postlah. Sekarang nak gi lunch dulu.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Kalau setakat selsema aku x kisah...tapi I really hate coughing. It gives pain to my throat and chest. Nak tido pun x senang, asyik uhuk huk..uhuk batuk cam sial! Aaaaarrrrggghhhhh! I hate this fucking cough!
Afterwork nak gi beli ubat lah.
Malam ni Konsert Akademi Fantasia yang bertemakan Rock Kapak (who the hell invented the word Rock Kapak anyway?). I hope I'm well enough to sit through.
Another mission is to eat Ngiu Chap panas2..kasi pedas lebih sikit *drool*. Maybe my blocked nose will be gone after that...
Friday, April 4, 2008
Farewell To My 2 Yrs Old Long Hair...
The hairdresser siap tanya lagi betul ka aku mau sacrifice my beautiful (wah, motif puji rambut sendiri?) wavy hair? 'Yep' I said. 'No turning back. Just snip it off' I told her. Then she worked her magic on my hair and....I love the result! (Sorry blm snap gambar lagi. I'll upload my pic with new hairstyle as soon as I can ok!)
Ringan kepala terus. Like some weight has been lifted over my head. I like.....!
How I wish all problems are like hairs - u dun like it, just snip it!
Tak gitu?
I Wanna Cut My Hair
This afternoon during lunch aku nak pi saloon. Dah lama aku simpan niat nak buat something new to my hair.
I wanna cut may haaaaair.....I wanna cut my hair...(rhyme mcm lagu Beatles I Wanna Hold Your Hand - it's been playing over and over in my head since I woke up)
I want to cut it short but somehow hesitated due to my hair yang a bit wavy (natural curl ye, bukan curl karan atau pakai ubat keriting yang tengik tu!). Neway, sampai saloon baru decide lah.
Kalo ada masa nanti aku snap & show my new hairstyle.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Handphone 50 Hengget...
So when Eliz's hubby offer that price, aku pun sambar terus. Sementara poket kencang di awal bulan kan, kalau tengah bulan tu sendiri mau ingat lah.
Anyway, it's just a normal phone..bukan yang canggih atau yang terhangat di pasaran. Presenting...my Panasonic EB A210:-
Actually gambar ni aku 'pow' from website entah mana tu..but this is the phone. Cuma yang kat aku ni housing dia dah kopak2 sikit...aku dah beli sticker to cover 'kecacatan'nya itew.
Hp ni xde camera but it's no big deal for me. Yang penting dapat buat call, accept call, send & accept sms, cukup lah (cakap jer kan, tapi kalau duit berkoyan harus every month ganti HP baru..heheh).
Enuff for today. Sign out dulu...esok sambung.
Tugasan Minggu Ke 3
Minggu rock, ramai juga pelajar yang menderita..hehehhe..
They have to be versatile (or at least try to be). Gitulah hidup nak jadi artis.
Kesian aku nengok Stanly (ops, kejap...this has nothing to do with her mom's condition whatsoever okay, don't get me wrong here!). Terseksa sungguh dia membawakan lagu Massa Scarecrow itew...
Ok la see my ulasan below:
Alif - Kamelia (Sweet Charity)
Lagu ni sedap...arwah daddy aku punya favorite. Kalau si lembik ni pandai play with emotions..harus meleleh air mataku nanti....itu pun KALAU la kan. Korang pun tau dia very the static face so just hope he can deliver (well..not really..heheh)
Faisal - Sentuhan Kecundang (Ekamatra)
Aku paling menyampah ngan lagu ni dulu. Tengok dlm diari si Faisal mcm terseksa nak nyanyi lagu ni. I dun think it's gonna be a good performance but tengok ja la time konsert karang ye..
Naim - Opera Hidup (Wings)
Satu lagi makhluk yang terseksa minggu ni. Doa banyak2 la Naim....
Nubhan - Summer of 69 (Bryan Adams)
Lagu ni memang best tapi aku rasa Nubhan nyanyi mcm xda power ja...
Riz - Dari Sinar Mata (BPR)
I love this song! I hope Riz can pull it off sebab kalau hancus, aku bunuh dia!
Stanly - Patahnya Sayap Malam (Massa)
Pun lagu kesukaan aku tapi aku rasa Stanly ada masalah mau bawa lagu ni. Susah siut tarik suara tu...
Toi - C.I.N.T.A. (XPDC)
Wargh! Jangan aku tertidur sudah...
Lufya - Tika Dan Saat Ini (Medicine)
Ini pula my mom's favorite song. If she dun wanna go home, I think ini la pelunag terbaik untuk dia buktikan yang she deserves to be in the academy. Otherwise...bye bye!
Nadia - Total Eclipse of The Heart (Bonnie Tyler)
OMG! OMG! OMG! Aku tersangat suka lagu ni! Mintak2 jangan si Nadia ni over do the song...best of luck!
Rina - Enter Sandman (Metallica)
The only Metallica song yang aku suka. I guess she won't have any problems with this song. Ala, lagu kelab...makanan dia pulak! Not surprise kalau dia di puji melambung during konsert nanti.
Saida - Sepi Sekuntum Mawar Merah (Ella)
Never like this song..dengar Saida nyanyi pun...hmmm...lembik and lemau. Nak tidooooooo...zzzzzzzz
Stacy - Pelesit Kota (Search)
I'm worried! I know she can do it but I'm not sure if the song suits her vocal range. Well, fingers cross, good luck!
There you have it. Can they rock this week? Tunggu konsert Sabtu nanti...
Toodles peeps!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April Fool
Selama hidup aku, ada sekali aku kena trick on this day..I think it's about 11 yrs ago..masa tu aku kerja kat JTS di WS (waah...saja propa shortform nama company). Sebaris with our office ni ada saloon merangkap hairdressing school. Kitorang ni kira macam loyal customer diorang. Seminggu ada la 2, 3 kali cuci rambut (sekali cuci baru 5 hengget campur blow sekali). Tokey saloon tu pun memang baik with all of us, selalu bagitau klu ada discount ke promotion ke, kekadang bagi barang free lagi (motif promote tokey saloon? hehehe)
So adala satu hari tu, colleague aku si Annie bagi tau yang tokey saloon ni buat promotion dye rambut color kesukaan aku, 50% off katanya. Aku pun yo yo ooh la terus ke saloon dengan excitednya sambil berangan betapa cantiknya rambutku kaler aubergine...feeling2 model revlon gitu. Sampai salon aku trus attack tokeynya 'Amy, mana tu dye? 50% off kan? Kasi saya 2 kotak ahh!' Tapi aku perasan jugak si tokey tengok aku lain macam...as if I'm nuts. Berkerut dahi dia. 'Mana ada 50% discount ooh! Gila ka! Saya pun untung 2, 3 linggit saja you lagi mau discount sampai 50%?' Aku masih x puas ati 'Itu Annie cakap you kasi discount? Jangan pura2 bah Amy..ada discount tu kan? Tapi kau sengaja x mo jual sma saya kan?' Tiba2 si tokey ketawa. It's my turn to look at her as if she's lost her mind. Dalam ketawa dia cakap 'Aiya moi, manada si Annie datang sini tadi ooo..dia suda kasi main sama you ini macam. You tia ingat ini berapa hari bulan ka aah?' and sambung ketawa lagi. OMG! Malunya aku! I can feel my face turning fiery red. Baru aku ingat date hari tu - 01 April 1997 : APRIL FOOL!
Kimet! Terkena aku! Kalau ada paper bag dekat aku masa tu, sudah aku bikin tutup muka. Jadah si Annie, aku x sangka of all people, dia kasi kena aku! Balik office aku buat selamba, but Annie and Margaret bantai ketawakan aku. Syaiton sunggoh! Tapi marah pun x guna coz it's April Fool's Day. It's all about pranks and jokes and I'm one of many of its unlucky victim that day.
Every 1st April mesti aku teringat this story. Not that I've never been pranked before tapi ini yang paling memalukan dan berkesan di hati aku. Pranks yang lain tu biasa2 jer. aku x ingat pun.
Anyways, Happy April Fool's Day...selamat mem'prank' kengkawan anda.
Toodles peeps!
P/s Boss cakap gaji masuk ari ni..yeay! Tapi mungkinkah boss meng'April Fool'kan kami?
P/p/s Kalo boss buat lawak April Fool pasal gaji, aku Gaban Z Potong 2 dia nanti..Muahahahha (ketawa penjahat)